Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
                           Sep 20 9:07
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Could be Continental?
Swamp Spores
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2009
Description: John McLeroy was the guy who was teaching Dave and his local flight instructor, Ross Kennedy, how to ride the ‘Rey. John is an instructor, jet jockey, and he knows how to have fun the SeaRey way.

Date Taken: Feb 21, 2009
Place Taken: Tajmahangar, FL
Owner: Dan Nickens
File Name: Ready_to_Ride_2.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 344, SeaReys in Winter
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John McLeroy - Feb 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    This was the first day after the 'Hard Freeze' of February 09 here in Central FL. The past several nights before were in the high 20's, but today was Clear skies, 75deg light winds, thermals kept the vis clear and a million (as you can see in the cloud deck) and there must have been 15 SeaReys cruzin' round the Lake Apopka area having fun! Later that day after training Ross to transition, he and Dave flew up the east coast and landed at Hilton Head Island for the night. Next morning continued inland to Northern North Carolina to Dave's new home base to tuck his new bird in for the late winter. Great day for flying with good freinds and SeaReys!     

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