Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Raining Oranges
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Feb 22, 2009
Description: Spotted this as I was making tracks back to the airport today. There's something here for almost anyone--in warmer weather.
Date Taken: Feb 22, 2009
Place Taken: Chester, VA
Owner: Don Maxwell
File Name: Tracks_4559_k.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 23, Max Pix
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Read what others had to say:

Dan Nickens - Feb 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    The patterns are pleasing to my eye, Don, but it doesn't look too popular for a weekend day.     
Don Maxwell - Feb 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I think it's brand new, Dan. I don't remember seeing it before, and it's just a bare spot in GoogleEarth's view: 37-21.420, 77-30.038.     
Scott Peters - Feb 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I thought I heard you flying around. Ran outside, you must have been in the trees. You used to torment me by flying over on the approach path to FCI, now you can just tease. After my fantastic short flight while down at the Expo, I now know just how much fun the SeaRey is.     
Don Maxwell - Feb 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I don't usually torment folks that area, Scott, but if I'd known you were down there I would have done it more often. Did Kerry and Paige sell you a kit? Or inspire you to buy one already built? Give me a call if you'd like to get together some time. 804-543-7110.     
Scott Peters - Feb 23,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I would love to meet you. There has been a time or two that I've drove out to the airport to catch you before you put her away. As for the tormenting, I could hear that Rotax getting closer, all work would stop and we looked up. I have loved the Searey for many years and find it to be one sexy aircraft (my wife thinks I'm losing it).<br /><br />Going to 'The Expo' was to gain as much information as possible about Light Sport. As we (I take my Dad when I can on these short trips) walked into the gate, there on the left was a chunck of China and the EuroFox on the right. Next was this beautifully shaped and engineered Goddess, 'The LSX'. <br /><br />Up walks a man named Bill Whidden. After mutual introduction, my mouth would not stop. I had so many questions, he went and brought over Darrell Lynds. An offer to fly? My knees went weak and it felt like Christmas in the '60s. The flight was 15 to 20 minutes of a fantasy come true.<br /><br />No, I have not been sold one YET. There are still more questions. I'm thinking that buying a used one first will give me a better idea of what I want before buying my last aircraft. This is a great website, full of information and pictures, proving to me that so far I'm on the right track to continued flying. That C-172R is getting way to expensive for this economy.<br /><br />Thanks again and I will be calling you soon. Scott     
Dennis Scearce - Feb 23,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    You're hooked... The good news is you are among friends who are hooked also.     
Scott Peters - Feb 23,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    As my Dad and I walked around, we meet a man at the Angel Flight booth. Him and my Dad had the same back operation, so they had to compare. He was selling his SeaRey because of the surgery. He gave me a good bit of advice when I told him I was going up that afternoon. He told me, 'Be careful, it'll bite you'. He wasn't kidding. Got a couple more bills to get rid of first...<br /><br />You are right about being among a friendly group of people. If I can only get the Mrs. on board, it would be so much easier.     
Frank A. Carr - Feb 24,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Gads, and they say strip mining is ugly.     

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