Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Waupoos Winery 2
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Aug 25, 2009
Description: Me when I was 8...Now thats old
school! Gator Field back when it
was fun!
Date Taken: Aug 25, 2009
Place Taken:
File Name: 6480_1113858122378_1104667981_30355353_1659822_s.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 369, Searey Motivation Pictures
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Read what others had to say:

Daniel Paul Myers - Aug 26,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    John is this Kerry Kelly's plane?     
John w Shirah - Aug 27,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    If you are referring to your neighbor then no. It was an old buccaneer and that pic was taken when i was 8. <br />such old school!     
Daniel Paul Myers - Aug 27,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Kerry probably had his plane when you were 8...was this is SC?     
John w Shirah - Aug 27,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Gator field. Clermont!<br />     
Daniel Paul Myers - Aug 27,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    yup...prob kerry's     

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