Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Dec 16, 2009
Description: The Town of Tavares is aggressively pursuing the goal of becoming a seaplane Mecca. Their publicity people wanted pictures of seaplanes parked on their beach for a magazine article and cover feature. SeaReyers massed on short notice to support the cause.

Date Taken: Dec 16, 2009
Place Taken: Tavares, FL
Owner: Dan Nickens
File Name: Parking_Formation.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 399, Tavares Seaplane Base
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Read what others had to say:

Thomas Alexander Bowden - Dec 16,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I would think if they wanted the perfect seaplane Mecca, They would make the shore line a nice place to beach a plane. That looks like a weed farm and seems like you would take some with you when you leave.     
Dan Nickens - Dec 17,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Actually, Thomas, the City Manager was quite apologetic about the foliage. He said that environmental regulations prohibit them from removing all of the green stuff. The actual ramp will be black, not green.     
Andy Shane - Dec 17,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    What a nice thing! Hats off to the city.     
Philip Mendelson - Dec 17,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Congratulations on a Great job..... any government backing has to be good.....Right..     

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