Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Wrong Way
Disturbance in the Deep
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2013
Description: No one was moving fast in the early morning fog. Still, in hopes of better weather, the SuRi launched her toys.
Date Taken: Apr 20, 2013
Place Taken: Near Puvuguapi, Chile
Owner: Dan Nickens
File Name: SuRi_Waking_Up.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 524, Yacht Tending Chile
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Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    The forecast was too bad to be true: rain and fog all day. No SeaRey flying? So far so bad. The SuRi was parked by a misty resort near Puerto Puvuguapi.      Attachments:  

Misty Morning Resort.jpg
Misty Morning Resort

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    All that was left was waiting for the drizzle to stop and the fog to lift. It was a long, long, day long wait.      Attachments:  

Waiting Game.jpg
Waiting Game

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    The guests gave up waiting on the weather and went ashore to the resort for brunch. Now does this make any sense: they have two personal chefs capable of remarkable custom culinary creations and yet something compels them to try something at a remote resort. Maybe the SuRi just wasn’t big enough for their tastes.<br /><br />Or maybe they knew that hidden under the fog were massive ice fields, tall waterfalls and hot springs just minutes away?<br />      Attachments:  

Two Resorts.jpg
Two Resorts

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    As the gray day grew long, the guests launched a boat to go into town. In the village they found unexpected drama. A dog began to follow the owner’s daughter in earnest. It was soon discovered that the mutt had been abandoned by tourists passing through a village with no room for another stray dog. Unwilling to leave the poor creature to uncertain fate, SuRi took her on board.<br /><br />“Patagonia” became the dog’s new name. Her new home was soon to be a continent away in the United States. In a blink she was plucked from a lonely, loveless life scrounging for existence to the luxury of a warm family and the finest the material world can offer. Such are the tangles of possibilities on a foggy day in the far reaches of fate.<br /><br />      Attachments:  

Patagonia Found.jpg
Patagonia Found

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    It was too late for any serious SeaRey exploration, but it seemed completely futile to simply retrieve the SeaRey without getting into the air. Besides, the weather looked like it was slowly improving. Or maybe it was just mistful thinking.      Attachments:  

Looking Better .jpg
Looking Better

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    With smooth water and just enough room to run, I couldn’t help but get a little air under the hull.      Attachments:  

Smooth Runway.jpg
Smooth Runway

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    So this is what SuRi’s neighborhood looked like without the heavy curtain of gray!      Attachments:  

In the Cove.jpg
In the Cove

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    A runway? Hadn’t seen one of these for awhile. No use it leaving it alone. Besides, the wheels needed a little exercise. <br /><br />Before I arrived, backed when the fog lay thick over the water, a Cessna Caravan had been here to pick up one of the guests. “Surely it won’t land in these conditions,” I asked the local guide. “Yez. She will drop down in the gulf and fly low up the fjord. She will make it if there is any air.”<br /><br />And that’s exactly what the bold Caravan pilot did.<br />      Attachments:  

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Landing Options

Don Maxwell - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    You might send this one in to Barnstormer's.     
Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Why? How much do you think I could get for it? Isn't there some kind of law against selling the Brooklyn Bridge or the Puvuguapi airport?     
Don Maxwell - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    No, no, I just meant send them the photo 'Landing Options.' Every week they publish a photo of an airport and challenge everyone to identify it. (Actually, I only read their flyer once in a while, but I think some less commercial sites do the same thing.) <a href="http://www.barnstormers.com/eFLYER/2013/268-eFLYER-cockpitview.html">http://www.barnstormers.com/eFLYER/2013/268-eFLYER-cockpitvi<br>ew.html</a>     
Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Well of course I can identify it. The GPS said it was SCPH. It wasn't that much of a challenge to figure out it was Puvuguapi. Now, trying to say it out loud 10 times, THAT would be a challenge.     
Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    A river provides some air and a way to the interior when clouds cover mountains.      Attachments:  

Inward Passage.jpg
Inward Passage

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    The shallow stream choked with trees and glacial shavings held no temptation for a splash. Hmmm...'no' is such a strong word. Maybe just a little.      Attachments:  

Braided Way.jpg
Braided Way

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Water fell from the cloud-shrouded hillside.      Attachments:  

Falling From Clouds.jpg
Falling From Clouds

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Turbulence from a rocky ridge precipitates clouds along the edge.      Attachments:  

Smoking Ridge.jpg
Smoking Ridge

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    How deep will you go? Wind. Clouds. Sharp Rocks. And, it’s late in the day.      Attachments:  

Going In .jpg
Going In

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Not a likely spot for a friendly SeaRey splash.      Attachments:  

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Rough Water

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Water was falling in spectacular fashion from the mountain next to a small lake.<br />SeaRey suitable? <br />Hmmm…..One way in, one way out. Valley tight for reverse flight path. Tail wind on departure. Surrounded by clouds. Underwater hull rippers hidden in the opaque glacial mud water. Smallish lake. Late in the day. Boat preparing to depart.<br />Hmmm….Massive waterfall. Glacier. Wilderness lake. Adventure at the end of a dull gray day.<br />Done deal.<br /><br />      Attachments:  

Big Water Small Lake.jpg
Big Water Small Lake

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    It was a glimpse of blue ice that got me. The water was falling from a low hanging glacier. What SeaRey pilot could resist such temptation!      Attachments:  


Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    A sheer wall of blue. All of this hidden all day by fog.      Attachments:  

Blue Wall.jpg
Blue Wall

Kenneth Leonard - Apr 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
Dan Nickens - Apr 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes, Ken. So much so that I shut down and just floated, listening to the overwhelming rumble of the falls, feeling the cool, moist breeze washing through the cockpit, deeply inhaling the rain-washed air, watching the intricate swirl of clouds over the glacier, punctuated by a rare flash of sunlight off the crystalline blue ice. After the adrenaline rush started to wear off, I felt guilty. Back aboard the boat were forty people who had no idea that such a place existed in the gray country where they had waited all day. It was that injustice that caused me to start the engine and return to the boat. The helicopter brought anyone that wanted to see, including the crew, back to the stunningly beautiful scene.     
Dennis Scearce - Apr 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    You shut down?? Really??     
Dan Nickens - Apr 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Sure. What's the worst that could happen? Overnight parking? And, instead of a cab, there's an A&amp;P with a helicopter parked around the corner I can call on the satellite phone. He will know where I am because of the satellite tracking system.<br /><br />(Whether he would bother to come or not, that's another issue.)     
Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Coming back aboard SuRi after getting a day’s worth of flying in one hour.      Attachments:  

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Last Aboard

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Another SeaRey day salvaged in the end.      Attachments:  

Low Approach.jpg
Low Approach

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Off to look for a fog-free parking spot.      Attachments:  

Leaving Port.jpg
Leaving Port

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    After my report of blue ice and waterfalls, the helicopter swung into action. It took the guests four at a time to see it. The helicopter has no worries coming back aboard when the boat is running.      Attachments:  

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Heli Tours

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Sailing into the sunset and leaving the fog behind.      Attachments:  

SuRi Sunset.jpg
SuRi Sunset

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    When the sun was done, the moon rose brightly over the foggy hills of Puvuguapi.      Attachments:  

Breaking Moonrise.jpg
Breaking Moonrise

Dan Nickens - Apr 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Map of SuRi's winding route south to Puvuguapi.      Attachments:  

Map of SuRi Route to Puvuguapi.jpg
Map of SuRi Route to Puvuguapi

Bård Sørbye - Apr 23,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    After your experiences in Chile, you and SuRi would feel right at home along the Norwegian coastline!     
Dan Nickens - Apr 23,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I'd like to verify that, Bard.     

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