Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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fish out of water
flight of two
 Photo Info
Posted By: Hal Brown
Date Posted: Mar 21, 2014
Description: Somewhere in the
Date Taken: Mar 21, 2014
Place Taken: Abaxo's
Owner: Kevin D'Angelo
File Name: GOPR0010__2_.jpg   - Photo HTML
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Category: 546, Bahama bound, 377, LSX
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Read what others had to say:

Dennis Vogan - Mar 21,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Very cool graphics Kevin!     
Don Maxwell - Mar 23,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    This shot reminds me of the first photo of a SeaRey I ever saw. It was in an issue of KITPLANES that I happened to notice on a magazine rack at a Border's bookstore in Richmond, Virginia, in (as I recall) 1996. It changed my life forever.<P>I found the photo again later on PA's website, called "srbahama.jpg"<P><img src="inline/20110-srbahama_30pc.jpg" alt="srbahama-30pc"><!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  

srbahama 30pc.jpg
srbahama 30pc

Kevin D'Angelo - Mar 24,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    My son and I didn't think Searey flying could get any more <br />fun but cruising the Bahamas <br />takes the cake.. Dropping in deserted coves and beaching <br />on deserted islands was <br />special. The only negative was not having more time to <br />enjoy it. The logistics to achieve <br />it were a little daunting though. Here was the plan. I had <br />blocked out a week of work <br />before my annual trek to the Dominican Republic in my <br />Cessna 210 to treat the poor <br />and supervise dental students that travel there separate by <br />airlines. Chuck Cavanaugh <br />had expressed interest in the Bahamas portion so we <br />decided to fly over together.<br /> So I had to finish the build at progressive and fly off the 40 <br />hours and get the vinyl wrap <br />on before the trip and have time to fly the Bahamas. That all <br />worked down to the wrap <br />finished the day before the trip.<br />Sunday I flew from Buffalo in the Cessna with my daughter <br />and wife to Orlando. After <br />working out some squawks and other preparations. Chuck <br />arrived by airlines and we left <br />Apopka on Tuesday morning- flew to Stuart Bay and docked <br />at a public dock and fueled <br />up at a convenient store across the street.( Thanks to Don <br />for the Fuel bag idea and <br />Chuck for getting them before the trip) We then headed <br />across the gulf stream for a <br />delightful flight with stops in deserted bays and jumping in <br />for a swim . Chuck took my <br />daughter, and my wife was my passenger for this leg. <br />Chucks Girlfriend arrived by <br />commercial airlines Thursday to Freeport.( by then we had <br />the Cessna to shuttle her to <br />Treasure Cay. Then off to Treasure Cay to clear customs <br />and then we flew over to Green <br />Turtle Cay, scoping out a place to land and keep our birds <br />while at the resort. We found <br />a nice beach next to the resort restaurant that worked fine <br />with some minor challenges <br />overnight safety concerns with wind shifts and tide changes. <br />Chuck found a large <br />decorative boat anchor and moored in the bay and I stayed <br />just off the beach tied to the <br />beach cabanas. Our accommodations were on a point that <br />looked out a shallow Bay <br />next to the marina that we used to land and takeoff when <br />the winds picked up. Later <br />we just toke off between the sailboats moored in the harbor. <br />Meanwhile my son and wife flew commercial to Orlando and <br />picked up the Cessna and <br />flew it over to Treasure Cay to be used to head to the <br />Dominican Republic after the <br />Bahama portion of the trip. So we alternated flying the <br />Searey with him playing with his <br />wife and I taking my daughter and wife up for rides. On <br />Chucks bucket list was spending <br />a night on a deserted island with Heather. Unfortunately <br />rough seas around what <br />seemingly was the idyllic island made for a scary attempt <br />and he will have to try again <br />next time. Sunday came the next logistic hurdle as I had to <br />move the Searey to <br />Treasure airport for the week I would be in the Dominican <br />and get my wife to Freeport <br />for her airline flight to the DR and return to fly with daughter <br />and son and his wife in the <br />Cessna to meet up with the rest of the mission group in the <br />Dr. This became the major <br />snag in the plans as I could not get the Searey started, and <br />my wife was going to miss <br />her flight, so while I was pulling apart the Rotax my son took <br />a ferry with my wife and his <br />over to Treasure Cay and flew my wife to meet her flight. I <br />am embarrassed to say after <br />three times pulling the plugs and drying out the cylinders <br />and attempting restarts and <br />taking a battery out of a local truck to jump my battery to <br />prevent running it down, it <br />dawned on me that all I need to do was shut off the fuel <br />pump and it started right up.I <br />guess I am too used to the Cessna with mixture controls <br />and the pressure of getting the <br />plane off the beach for a week away clouded my brain. <br />Well, all worked out and we made it down to the DR and <br />treated a lot of needy people. <br />Next was to fly back to the Bahamas and have my son drop <br />me off to fly the Searey <br />back to the states. Weather forecasts did not look good but <br />ended up perfect weather <br />except for the large swells crossing the Gulf stream that <br />would have been a bad landing <br />if I had to ditch. I did have a row with the customs agent at <br />Treasure Cay as she wanted <br />to charge me another $100 for departure besides the $50 <br />that I expected, to pick up the <br />Searey, but luckily she became fed up with my arguing <br />before she called the police and <br />let us go with out paying the extra fees.&lt;img <br />src='/isapi.dll/c/contentinline/1/f/link/threadid/FJqsKE/fiberi<br />d/9/~/Spanish_Cay.jpg' alt='Spanish Cay'&gt;      Attachments:  

Spanish Cay.jpg
Spanish Cay

Searey flight.jpg
Searey flight


Chuck  s searey.jpg
Chuck s searey

Frank A. Carr - Mar 24,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Gads Kevin, that's awesome. Planning the logistics, and executing them let alone <br />remembering how it all turned out stresses my mind. Thanks for the photos too, <br />and your service to the needy. Great job. And by George, me thinks we have <br />another Dan here!     
Kevin D'Angelo - Mar 24,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    can't even get close to Dan's eploits     
John Robert Dunlop - Mar 25,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Awesome nonetheless Kevin!     
Wayne Nagy - Mar 25,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    i'm impressed!     

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