Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
                           Sep 20 9:06
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Icon A5 Tow
 Photo Info
Posted By: Mark MacKinnon
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2019
Description: Two Icons at the Greenville ME (3B1) airport during the fly-in Friday. There was a third down at the seaplane base giving rides and demo-ing the folding wings. If I overheard correctly Icon sponsored the fly-in.

Saturday was a washout thanks to Dorian.
Date Taken: Sep 6, 2019
Place Taken: Greenville, ME
Owner: Mark MacKinnon
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Category: Icon A5 Seaplane
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Read what others had to say:

Mark MacKinnon - Sep 07,2019   Viewers  | Reply
    My Stingray in background, parked next to my friend's Zenith on amphib floats.      Attachments:  

0906191157b (2)
0906191157b (2)

Mark MacKinnon - Sep 08,2019   Viewers  | Reply
    I was told that PA was going to be there with a couple Seareys but cancelled due to the hurricane.

And I hear it wasn't a washout Saturday, they were far enough west out of Dorian's reach and there was a lot of flying. But it rained here and along the coastal areas, preventing many from getting there.
Randy Flood - Sep 08,2019   Viewers  | Reply
    I drove up on Friday and stayed the night. There were actually 4 Icons at the fly in. Sexy looking planes, but I will stay with my
Searey thank you!!!!
Mark MacKinnon - Sep 08,2019   Viewers  | Reply
    Didn't know there were four! Missed seeing you, Randy.     

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