Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Taking delivery of 2018 Yellow Searey Elite
Taking delivery of 2018 Yellow Searey Elite
 Photo Info
Posted By: Don Maxwell
Date Posted: Aug 28, 2018
Description: There was a splash-in at the Hyatt on the Chesapeake Bay yesterday (near KCGE).
Date Taken: 2018-08-26
Place Taken: Chesapeake Bay, near Cambridge, MD
Owner: Don Maxwell
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Read what others had to say:

Don Maxwell - Aug 28,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    To get there I had to navigate like Odysseus as he sails between the twin terrors of Scylla and Charybdis--in this case, between the DC Ugly Zone and the PAX River NAS Ugly Areas. My Scylla is a pile of tanks just inside PAX River Ugly Area R-4007, and Charybdis is a power plant that creates a whirlpool in the Bay situated as close to the DC Ugly Area as I care to fly without the tender care of ATC.      Attachments:  

Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla and Charybdis



Don Maxwell - Aug 27,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    Charybdis is on the left, a little hard to pick out from a distance on a hazy day, and Scylla on the right. Steer between them (but closer to Chrybdis) and you probably won't find yourself with an escort.      Attachments:  


Don Maxwell - Aug 28,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's Charybdis on another day, with its whirlpool plainly visible.      Attachments:  

IMG 4284-Charybdis+Whirl.JP
IMG 4284-Charybdis+Whirl

Buck Bray - Aug 28,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    You took this photo right over the top of my previous house and my current house on a nice airpark is just to the right
of Scilla.
Don Maxwell - Aug 27,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    Scylla up close, and Charybdis, too. No need for a GPS or even a paper chart. Sail between these guardians of the route and you'll be safe.      Attachments:  




Don Maxwell - Aug 27,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    The Hyatt is just off the end of the runway at KCGE. Its beach is enclosed in a breakwall almost large enough to tempt a seaplane pilot to land or take off inside it.      Attachments:  


Don Maxwell - Aug 27,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    Doing what any Searey does well: taxiing onto the beach.      Attachments:  


Don Maxwell - Aug 27,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    A committee comprising seaplane pilots and hotel reps met to discuss whether the Hyatt should be a charted seaplane base. I heard that all parties agreed it should be.

Eventually it was time to depart. Here's Glenn, punching his route through the DC Ugly Area into his nav gizmos. Nice bubble canopy!


Glenn Kautt - Aug 28,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, thank you for your narrative and photos. You are a great story-teller!

As for punching in the SFIRA flightplan, flying thru the airspace at 1500-2300 feet is a great way to sightsee the greater DC metro
area on a clear day-you can see up the Potomac and see the Capitol. Memorable!

Filing a SIFRA flightplan takes about a minute, and for folks like me who live west of DC, it saves a lot of miles when you want to go
to the Eastern Shore. Not surprisingly there is less air traffic congestion, too!
Don Maxwell - Aug 28,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    I've only done it a few times, Glenn--flying into Dulles was the most memorable--and haven't gotten comfortable with the procedures. But now that you've mentioned sightseeing, it seems more like fun. Maybe I'll give that a try.     
Don Maxwell - Aug 28,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    If you're curious about that Dulles trip, searching this site for kiad will get most of the story. Most of the results are of that trip. "Hal
Brown" gets the credit for them, but that was an artifact of the Great Migration from the old MyFamily site. The "museum lady"
mentioned in one entry is Margy N., now a friend of Shannon's.
Don Maxwell - Aug 27,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    And Helen, who had organized the splash-in, watching him taxi out for takeoff.      Attachments:  


Helen Woods - Aug 30,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    You checked and Pax was actually hot? That's really rare on the weekends. I love heading up the Patuxent on weekend for a crab cake. They really have some of the best SeaRey spots on that river. Everything is generally cold below 3000' and the tower always lets me transition. I love skimming by the old seaplane hangars at the base and imagining days gone by.

As for the Hyatt, yes, they have agreed to be registered as a SPB! Glenn and I are working with them to initially register as a "private commercial" base with the idea that if it is successful, eventually registering as public which would make the base eligible for MAA grants. This will be one of the first new SPB on the base in decades. If successful, we hope to use this as a model for establishing a new series of seaplane bases around the Bay in places that are not only awesome for SP pilot to visit, but easily accessible to the public. So few people on the Bay know that SP flying is accessible to them. We hope to change that and grow the community.

BTW, thank you for coming this weekend and thank you for all of your support over the years. By working together, we do great things!
Don Maxwell - Aug 30,2018   Viewers  | Reply
    No, I checked and the Restricted areas were cold. But Pax R NAS was still open. Flying north of "Scylla" added less than 1 nm to my overall trip and meant that I didn't need to look up their frequency (which of course I didn't need to do anyway because I was well above their airspace to get out of a headwind, relaxing on autopilot and was far too lazy to change the course already in my GPS).     

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