Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Nice Launching - Not Italian Cruising Episodes 4
Seaplane Brotherhood
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Posted By: Nickens, Dan
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2017
Description: It all looks so easy when the SeaRey is being raised onto the flight deck. The crew gently lifted it into place. It almost made me forget about the days of battling bureaucracy, the compromises made to make it happen, the money spent and the logistics of assembling the new airplane on a foreign dock.
Date Taken: Sept. 14, 2017
Place Taken: Marina di Stabia, Naples, Italy
Owner: Nickens, Dan
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Category: Yacht Tending Italy
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Read what others had to say:

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Parking in the middle of what looks like a bulls eye within easy range of Vesuvius might have contributed to my edginess.      Attachments:  

Parked under Volcano 1434
Parked under Volcano 1434

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Forget about the convoluted airspace around Naples, the water was absolutely worse with vast areas of the Amalfi coast marked off limits or restricted.      Attachments:  

Marine Limitations 1474
Marine Limitations 1474

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    When SuRi's departure was delayed it was time to put the toys in play from the dock. The water looked absolutely gorgeous! Edginess gone!      Attachments:  

Port Launch 1483
Port Launch 1483

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Natural limitations are much more intimidating that paper restrictions. To find out about the natural limits, however, you have to get past the paper. We were given permission to launch, not in the protected water near the marina, but 500 meters away in the open water of the windy Mediterranean. It wasn't enough to deal with the ocean swell and conflicting wind waves, there was also the continual assault of random boat wake. Still, there was a volcano waiting out there. Nothing to do but launch and investigate!      Attachments:  

Open Water Initiation 1503
Open Water Initiation 1503

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    When SuRi finally got out of port the water at Positano was positively impossible. No reasonable SeaRey would consider crossing it.      Attachments:  

Back to SuRi 1615
Back to SuRi 1615

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Since the prospects for an smooth departure were looking rough, I was asked to serve as caretaker to a group of guests going ashore. It looked to be a much easier job than trying to fly off the jumble of waves.      Attachments:  

Beachfront 1592
Beachfront 1592

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    My assignment was to carry the water for the guests. And to maintain communications between them and the boat. And to have cash available should they stop to buy something. And to keep track of them.

Simple, right? Ha! It was simple right up until the time they decided to hike up to the top of the town. With eight guests there was a continuum of physical fitness. The fast movers were soon shooting up hill. The guy who was paying the bills lagged behind. Okay, so it was just a bit of exercise jogging between the groups trying to keep track of where they were headed. The gap grew and grew. Somewhere, however, on the narrow twisting alleys I lost track of lead group. I raced back down to where I had last seen the boss. He was nowhere to be found.

Narrow Way 1598
Narrow Way 1598

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Now what? I wasn't trained for the situation. I could see SuRi out in the bay. Should I confess my failure and call in to get guidance? Admit incompetence as a simple steward? No way!      Attachments:  

Searching for SuRi 1602
Searching for SuRi 1602

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I raced down the hill to the beach. With no sign of the guests I took up a lookout position near the pier. At the appointed time they arrived individually with no evidence of having missed me. I did what I was told to do: called for their ride back to the boat.

Only one person was missing, Monica. Monica is a person of indistinct position on the yacht's hierarchy. As wife of the helicopter pilot she's not exactly guest, and not crew. Still we're trained never to leave anyone behind. I sent the guests on their way. When Monica arrived the guests were eating lunch on SuRi. We had time for some real Italian pizza while waiting for our ride back.

Real Pizza 1610
Real Pizza 1610

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Daybreak offered no encouragement that I'd be flying any time soon.      Attachments:  

Darkening Morning 6592
Darkening Morning 6592

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    If it wasn't storming, fog shrouded the coastal hills.      Attachments:  

Stuck Onboard 6623
Stuck Onboard 6623

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    When the skies did clear the wind that followed made it obvious I wouldn't be flying. What's a captain to do? When you have a moveable hotel you sail towards better weather. We launched for the Isle of Capri.      Attachments:  

Capri Passage 6744
Capri Passage 6744

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The island sky was indeed much brighter than the mainland.      Attachments:  

Arriving Capri 6679
Arriving Capri 6679

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Though we parked on the lee side of the island, the water was disturbed enough to make SeaRey operations uninviting.      Attachments:  

Hole in Stack 6757
Hole in Stack 6757

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The guests heard that there was delicious gelato in town. With nothing else to do, I was dispatched in one of the tenders to bring back "the best".

The ride around to town confirmed that SeaReys were best left aboard.

Cruising to Capri
Cruising to Capri


Capri Harbor 1632
Capri Harbor 1632

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    When I got ashore I spotted a likely looking local and inquired where I could find the best gelato. "No here. All for tourists. Uphill you find."

Up that hill? Right.

Going for Gelato 1639
Going for Gelato 1639

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The climb for homemade gelato was steep and onerous. It was spiced, however, by some beautiful sights.      Attachments:  

Capri House 1634
Capri House 1634

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Frisco? Did I take a wrong turn?      Attachments:  

Francesco Sign 1636
Francesco Sign 1636

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    There were lots of turns but by relentlessly climbing upwards the elusive gelato was finally located. Now, how to get it back down without melting? There was a taxi waiting. It was a tight squeeze but we made it down (barely) before the cold concoction melted away.      Attachments:  

Tight Passage 1650
Tight Passage 1650


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