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Phone Pictures 2012-2015 2897.jpg
Tarpon Fishing
 Photo Info
Posted By: Don Maxwell
Date Posted: May 8, 2015
Description: Carol and I flew to FFA and had lunch with the newest of the newest Searey pilots and owners--Randy Flood, whose Searey is still under construction, and his brother, Tim, who flies a (pardon the expression) Mooney.

Here's a video of our pilgrimage: http://youtu.be/q87TQYiHyQU
Date Taken: 2015-05-05
Place Taken: First Flight Airport, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina
Owner: Don Maxwell
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Read what others had to say:

Scott Alperin - May 07,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Great Video-Thanks for sharing     
Nickens, Dan - May 07,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    To quote the producer, ""It's good enough, alright!"" Of course he is prone to being modest.     
Randy Flood - May 07,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Don you have missed your calling.....you should be a video producer, director, and lead man!!! It was great to meet you
and Carol. Thank you so much for all your help in my journey to become part of the Searey Family. N207RF will be
ready for me to fly her back to her home port of Castine Maine mid June. I hope to meet as many fellow pilots and
owners as possible. BTW....great video!!!! If anyone wants an adventure......come fly the Coast of Maine.......I have
beds for all!!!!
Mike Reisz - May 08,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice video Don. It's been 20 years since I have been to first flight, and now I want to go back again real soon.     
Buck Bray - May 08,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    And it begins again. I especially liked the Wright Flyer copilot- showcases the childlike joy of enjoying the adventure.     
Don Maxwell - May 08,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    About the famous first flight photo: This is a scan of the un-retouched original glass plate. The Wright boys didn't even know that it existed until some time after they had returned to Dayton. When you go to FFA, be sure to find the stainless steel and bronze 3D version, where you can see the guy who manned the camera and squeezed the bulb at just the right instant, but was too excited to remember it. (You can shake his hand if you like.) It's due SOUTH of the memorial, in North Carolina, just off National Parks Service property. Apparently, the NPS didn't want it, even as a gift.

The photo is online at the Smithsonian, and there's also this fascinating annotated version at the Smithsonian's Air and Space Magazine: http://www.airspacemag.com/history-of-flight/wright-brothers-first-flight-photo-annotated-180949489/
D'Angelo, Kevin - May 09,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for sharing Don- last time I flew there was about 25 years ago- looks like they have added a bunch to the facility. However it was the only parking ticket that I ever received at an airport. When I had landed there I noticed that my hotel was across the street so left it there for a couple of days. Guess I should have payed attention to the sign that said no overnight parking.     
Don Maxwell - May 09,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    They give you 24 hours nowadays, Kevin. But of course if you go flying the next day and park at a different tiedown, that ought to reset the clock.     
Carr, Frank  - May 09,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Well done Professor!     
Tim Flood - May 09,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    There is also a nice museum on the north side of the monument that has a ""full motion"" replica of the Wright Flyer. The
park rangers give an informative talk about the Wright Brothers and demonstrate how the wings moved (wing warping)
to allow for controlled flight. Randy and I enjoyed meeting you and Carol. It was a great day.
Steve Kessinger - May 10,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm jealous, Don. Nice vid, and welcome, Randy.

You can fly the 1902 Wright glider that Ken Hyde built as research for the 2003 Centennial at Kitty Hawk Kites. http://www.kittyhawk.com/adventures/1902-wright-glider-experience/

David McCollough's book is out: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1476728747/
and he did a great American Experiences program a few years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoFib7jWOLE
Paul Sanchez - May 10,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    That was great Don. Was that Carol critiquing your landing at KFFA?     
Don Maxwell - May 10,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Oh, yeah. She's a tough critic, too.     
Russ Garner - May 13,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Like you say Don, that's good enough...     

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