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Category: 322,Flight planners

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Don Maxwell - Mar 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    If you belong to the AOPA you've probably used their terrific Internet Flight Planner. (It's free and is worth far more than the membership fee.) And if you have an iPhone you've probably been anxious for them to produce a useful version to carry in your pocket.<br /><br />The wait is essentially over. They're testing version 2 right now. Find it at <a href="http://m.aopa.org/test/aifp/index.cfm">http://m.aopa.org/test/aifp/index.cfm</a><br /><br />Version 2 works in just about every web browser, and almost all of its functions work quite well in Safari on the iPhone. <br /><br />There are workarounds for most of the few things that don't work quite right on the small screen. For example, the Nav Log won't scroll sideways on my iPhone 3GS, but selecting 'Print' opens it in a separate Safari screen that scrolls normally.<br /><br />It's probably best to get acquainted with it on a full-sized computer or iPad, but you can probably find most things, even for the first time, on the phone--including rubber-banding of the course line.     
Kenneth Leonard - Mar 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    So Professor - you are apparently the beta tester extraordinaire. How did you come to such a gig?<br /><br />Now that I'm in the tool - have you created a Searey template? We need one. It does not appear to accept experimental as an aircraft designator nor does it offer Progressive Aerodyne.<br /><br />So you say this will work on the iPad?     
Don Maxwell - Mar 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm not a tester, Ken, I just happened to find it a week or so ago, and just got around to trying it on the iPhone. But I have corresponded with the developers several times, mostly complaining that version 1 is impossible on the iPhone and offering suggestions that they probably didn't need.<br /><br />Make your own profile. It only takes a few seconds. And read the help files, even if you've used version 1 a lot. This one does the same things--plus the rubber band route waypoint selector thingie that went away when they abandoned the standalone app that you had to download and install--but it does those things somewhat differently.<br /><br />It should work on the iPad at least as well as on the iPhone.     
Frank A. Carr - Mar 23,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Version 2--at least on the main site--now has a rubber band rerouting tool which is GREAT compared to V1.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
David Mazer - Mar 23,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    This version is a little better than V1 but it still isn't as good as <br />fltplan.com. There are no recommended ATC routes and, <br />most of all, the performance settings are too limited for <br />accurate results. Fltplan.com is almost always within minutes <br />and ounces on the calculations and AOPA isn't nearly as <br />close.     
Don Maxwell - Mar 23,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    That may be, David--but your criteria are very different from mine. Fltplan.com is (ostensibly) free, and it does work well for filing IFR flight plans. But it doesn't work on a cellphone, it wouldn't file a VFR flight plan even if I wanted it to, it doesn't display weather radar and wind, etc. For SeaRey flying, I'd much rather have Pilot My-Cast and the new AOPA planner.     
Ned Markey - Mar 23,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Cannot get AOPA planner to work on my iPhone 4. Cannot even accept the terms and conditions! Any <br />hints?     
Don Maxwell - Mar 23,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Well, crap. They've changed it since yesterday. I can't get it to load a previously stored route, but that's the only change I see so far. <br /><br />Accept the terms on a computer and save your pilot and airplane profiles--maybe a sample route, too. Then you should be able to make it work on the iPhone.<br /><br />They told me a while back that they aren't building it for the phone, but they do want it to work perfectly in the iPad. The iPhone's small screen is a problem for them. But they're trying and I'm hoping.     
Eric Batterman - Mar 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I have the same problem. Couldn't get to the route 'load' button due to the ads. Posted a message on the AOPA forum about the problem.     

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