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Paulo Constantino - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Is there a way to do a search just for videos? I've been trying to find the video of the SeaRey landing in between a norrow slot on a stream between trees and can't seem to find it. I have seen it appear as a thumbnail when I go to post a file here on this site. I am posting it from the thumbnail that I see because I think It's the one. Bear with me since It's the only way I get it to come up. It's a good video.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Kenneth Leonard - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Paulo - do you mean search your hard drive or search this site or search youtube?<br />If you go to youtube, you can search for Searey and there is a 'flight review' with Kerry and some 'reporter' that shows Kerry landing on a canal next to trees. Is that what you are looking for?     
Paulo Constantino - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken,<br /> I'm talking about this site. The video is someone landing through a very narrow gap in the trees onto a narrow river, staying on plane then hitting a branch.     
Don Maxwell - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I don't remember that one, Paulo--sounds interesting.<br /><br />There seems to be no easy way to search by filetype here. (We all wish MyFamily would help us out.) But most videos have been posted in News, not Photos, so you can at least limit your search that way. Any video posted in Photos would have to be in a reply to a photo and therefore probably won't turn up in a search for it unless there's a page with an associated subject line.     
Paulo Constantino - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, <br />I've tried both and didn't come with it as of yet. <br />When <br />I go to post to SND from my smart phone, I can <br />see <br />the thumbnail of it on my phone as a video, but <br />cannot find it in mine as a video file. This is it I believe, but does not show the approach.      Attachments:  




Don Maxwell - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Oho! That's Jeff Arnold's SeaRey.     
Joe Varner - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ray Charles could have seen that branch coming. I have seen a video before of someone landing in very narrow gap in the trees to get down to the river but don't remember where I seen it. I do remember that it was so narrow that I was scared just watching it.     
Paulo Constantino - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I believe the video you are speaking of is the same video I am looking for. The pilot is heading for a area that does not look like there is anything there to be able to make a landing. Thought it was part of the one I posted above and that I had seen it here. I'll wait to hear back from Jeff.     
Jeff Arnold - Nov 04,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Paul, This is the video you are looking for:      Attachments:  

Cozy Landing
Cozy Landing

Paulo Constantino - Nov 04,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Jeff,<br /> That's the one...Enjoyed it then and still get a charge seeing it now. When I run out of updated stories to read on this site, I catch up on older posts. I've been reading up from the oldest posts and am up to about 2004 with others scattered throughout the years. Some great stories that have been told here from a fun group of guys that have enjoyed the SeaRey and have helped others when in need. Can't ask more than that. <br /> <br />     

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