Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Jeff Sauers - Jul 16,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I just wanted to say thanks to the Helen Woods and the crew at Chesapeake Sport Pilot(W29) for the Searey Celebration held this past Saturday. Good food and fun and got to see a few of the local 'Reys' until the approching T-storms chased them away.<br /><br />A special thanks to Don Maxwell for his dedication to the SeaRey community! Due to a presidential TFR over the Richmond area(and a lot of t-storms), he and his wife left their plane and drove to the party, enduring a 5 hour drive along with thousands of beach/vacation bound people across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. <br /><br />So I finally got to meet the Professor and other great Searey people.<br /><br />It was a great motivator to keep building! Can't wait to get my bird in the air!<br /><br />Thanks to all!<br /><br /><br /><br />     
Don Maxwell - Jul 16,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's Jeff. We had a fine time--thanks to Helen and the Chesapeake Sport Pilot gang!As Jeff said, we got there late, after the thunderstorms did. We completely missed Rob Richardson in his Maryland Flag SeaRey, and another SeaRey (whose?) was just taxiing out for a hasty departure as a storm was arriving. I only had time for a quick look from behind before it leapt into the unsteady air and flew away. Had a quick chat with Jerry and Philippa Ratcliffe before another rain forced them to take off for Philly in a Grumman Tiger. Their SeaRey should be flying soon. Chuck and Debbie Norton had driven in, too, and were able to stay longer. Chuck claims he's going to out-do Chet Timms' SeaReyfastbuild record. I think it was Debbie who spoke glowingly about displaying completed wings in the living room, a SeaRey building experience many of us have enjoyed.<P><img src="inline/10071-JeffSauers_q.jpg" alt="JeffSauers-q"><!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  

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JeffSauers q

Don Maxwell - Jul 16,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Later we had a look at the CSP group's LSX, and it looked very nice indeed. For some reason I didn't get a photo of it, but I did get one of this special SeaRey tool beside one of the LSX's floats:      Attachments:  


Robert Charlwood Richardson - Jul 17,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Don sorry to have missed you, but the thunderstorms were closing in <br />and I was not about to get caught on the gnd. CSP was most kind to let <br />me use their hose to wash my MD SeaRey. I had flown over with <br />my hangar neighbor who wanted to do a couple of Splash &amp; Gos in the <br />Bay. CSP had quite the turn out when I was there. Answered gobbs of <br />questions and met two other Mid Atlantic pilots who dropped in <br />and a future one.     
Jeff Sauers - Jul 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Rob, I was going to intoduce myself but when I got there you were washing your plane and talking to about 5 people at once. So I thought I would wait until it settled down a little. Then the seminar started, then the storms came. Before I knew it you were gone!<br />So I guess I'll catch up to you over at W48 since I fly out of MTN. You have a beautiful Rey though!     
Robert Charlwood Richardson - Jul 19,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Jeff, sorry to have missed you. I was rather busy between washing my <br />plane and fielding questions. I am off to Oshkosh this weekend, but <br />would happy to fly over to MTN sometime when you are over there. <br />Just let me know. Or we can do a $100 crab cake lunch flight at one of <br />the local airports.     

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