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Steve Young - Apr 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    As many of my friends tour Sun N Fun, I am getting a large percent of them asking, "Why don't you get the Petrel LS- it's made so much nicer and much less expensive?" Well I'm sure that is a good question! If any of you have knowledge or opinions of the Petrel Super LS as compared to the Elite SeaRey, it may be interesting to share. There are "my" reasons for going with the SeaRey, but I would like to hear yours. Thank You. Steve<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Thomas Alexander Bowden - Apr 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I was going to go with the Super Petrel kit because I saw a picture of the kit parts all laid out on the floor of a warehouse and it looked more like real airplane construction than the Searey. I thought that the Searey always looked more ultra light with all the tube/pipe construction. I also thought the tricycle gear would be easer to land with since it was what I was used too. <br />But they did not have a Dealer any where near me and I never could look at one in person. It was cheaper but would cost $5000. to ship one from the factory to Tampa, Florida. <br />With all the SeaReys around me and the factory here in Florida, I decided it would be a better choice.<br />Now that there is a Dealer in Florida though, I would get a demo ride in both and look at it inside and out and see which one is built better. I hear that the Tricycle gear is not good for pulling up a sand beach from all the Seareyers, but I would ask the Petrel dealer to do it to see if that is true. I have seen video of the Petrel landing in the water with the gear down and not flipping over. Thats a plus for them.<br />I don't like the door/hatch, Its either on and closed or its off completely during flight, although their is a vent to open. I don't know if it will fit in the lugage compartment.<br />How much is the Petrel LS?, Seems like I got a price for a factory build kit a few years ago for $ 89000.00 plus shipping.     
Steve Young - Apr 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Sun N Fun show price quoted for Super Petrel Today 4/10/13: $100,000.00. Delivery within 6 months for <br />fully built Plane. Includes any shipping, 912s ROTAX. Fully built.     
Dan Nickens - Apr 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Technical discussions are not part of the agenda on this site. Please contact Steve directly if you want to make technical comparisons.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Don Maxwell - Apr 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's non-technical advice, Steve: <br /><br />Don't assume anything. Get demo rides in ALL of the airplanes you're considering before making up your mind. That's essential because all of these two-place amphibians are so much more fun than you're probably used to that the first ride will seem fantastic. Then the second ride may seem even better--and so on. After you've been up in all of them, you'll know which is right for you.<br /><br />If you need a more technical advice, email me or phone 804-543-7110.     
Robert Charlwood Richardson - Apr 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Ah a fine fiberglass Flying bi-wing Fiat. Very nice but I do note a couple <br />of things from its website and YouTube videos, <br />1) no sliding windows. One of the best thing about a SeaRey. I wonder <br />if they give you a hammer like SeaMax to break the canopy when it <br />flips over in the water. <br />2) little to no baggage storage area, so where to put the paddle, tie <br />downs, rope, etc. the one needs for water ops?<br />3) with that secondary low wing, I wonder how it handles even <br />In moderate water conditions. Kind of reminds me of an ultralight <br />version of a Lake Amphib<br />4) useful load and endurance is about the same as a SeaRey.<br />For a local weekend runabout it is ok, but it does not appear to have <br />the versibility and capability of a SeaRey. <br /><br />My 2 Cents worth.      Attachments:  

Super Petrel website
Super Petrel website

Steve Young - Apr 13,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Thank you Don &amp; Robert for your advice.<br />     
Philip Mendelson - Apr 18,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Steve,Dons advice is excellent.I asked the same questions almost ten years ago. I have found the Searey support system, second to none. I have had nothing but a Great experience with Kerry and compny. They actually opened up on a Saturday for me so I could buy a prop.<br />Admittedly, I live in central Florida.Make sure whatever you buy, you have strong dealer support....     
Troy iRMT Heavy Maint. Enriquez - Apr 22,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Plus the petrol is ugly and the Searey is pretty.     
John w Shirah - Apr 22,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    lol. agreed     
Steve Young - Apr 22,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Strongly Agree (-:     

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