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Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Aug 13,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    There is something so alluring about women of a certain age. Christine is almost twice the woman I married, no, don't get me wrong, I see sexy young females almost every day but they are so lacking in history, knowledge, whatever. It's just that there is this undercurrent of independence that goes with maturity that can be so attractive.<br /><br />Take Mike for instance. Mike runs the local Airplane sightseeing business and Eva, his wife, has taken to riding a big motorbike and taking off for foreign parts for three weeks at a time. It's not the end of the world, the kids are parcelled out to their various camps and activities and Mike is perfectly capable of Baching it, but you do hope for everybodies' sake that the end of the Summer Holidays is coming up and we can all get back to the way things are meant to be.<br /><br />Only I have the suspicion that nothing is ever going to be quite the same again. Christine too is being just a little bit independent.<br /><br />First there was the dog. Don't get me wrong, I love Jaxon. He's cuddly, proud, playful, a real character. But we've always got our dogs from the West Vancouver Pound (Motto ' Only thoroughbreds, only the best for our W Van clientelle.') Forking out $1500 for a DOG, for God's sake! The worst part is that it was a totally successful move. Jaxon is off here, off there, winning rosettes, championships, friends everywhere. Damned if I know where to turn!<br /><br />I could live with that at a pinch but about a week ago CD said, apropos of nothing in particular. 'Wouln't it be nice to have a boat again.' You have to know the last boat we had was about the slowest on the coast, well perhaps I exagerate a bit, there must be the odd garbage scow that was slower or if not perhaps a derelict oil rig we could have beat in a handicap race. 'I'm not making any commitment, I'm just looking, don't get worked up about it' Those of you still married to independent women of a certain age will know the sinking feeling only too well.<br /><br />I did my bit perfectly. Subtle reminders of all the disasters that went with the last boat. How many times were we rescued by the CoastGuards ? How many 'glorious' weekends did we spend holed up in assorted dumps because the weather had closed in. Why was it the four years we owned the boat were recorded as the worst four years for Summer weather in the last two centuries?<br /><br />I'd just about got it cracked, at least I had a reprieve, CD had to take a couple of the sproggets down to the dentist today, she'd be away from the Buy and Sell, out of reach of email, 150 miles from her Ebay, and without the time for visits to marina's and Brokers. Or so I thought.<br /><br />You know how you remember where you were when you heard Kennedy was dead? I'll see that scene on the dock in my nightmares for the rest of my life. There's a Twotter just docking and a single over on the other side. A couple of visiting Beavers were gassing up on the front area. Travel staff were doing the meet and greet thing with arriving visitors and I was talking to one of them about Digital Cameras.<br /><br />The phone went in my pocket. I opened it. 'Darling, did you lknow Future Shop have wireless internet? Rhett's new PDA connects right up to it ( Last time I buy that boy technology for his birthday.) Guess what? WE'VE bought a boat.' Notice the use of capitals there? I hadn't done anything. I was walking the dog, taking a few plane pictures and whiling away a few pleasant minutes on the dock. 'We're leaving Saturday, We'll go and get it after we take Sterling down to camp.'<br /><br />'Err, just exactly where are we leaving for?'<br /><br />'It's in NEW YORK, a place called Huntingdon Station.' Notice those capitals again? If you look very carefully at a map of N America you will, after a perhaps lengthy search, find Vancouver, and therefore Whistler, right over there at the left end of the world, hell it's just about on the next page and of course every one, well every one except Christine, knows where New York is, it's over there on the RIGHT, in fact Huntingdon Station is so far right it actually is on the next page. <br /><br />I searched desperately for some way to regain control, a tiny nod to my masculine position as head of the family. Oh, I know when the battle is over but I need some semblance of dignity, after all I still need the kids to look up to me. I fumbled for the words, 'Have you ANY IDEA how far that is? The gas alone is going to cost more than the boat! What about the camper you've booked for next week? How are you going to pay for it?'<br /><br />Well it turns out tht damned PDA is quite useful, It had already checked, 44 hours Vancouver to New York, 3,022 mile door to door. Take the US roads and save on gas. The camper can be cancelled tomorrow on the internet. She'll use the internet banking tonight to sort out the money, ( I guess she'll just have to do without a fur coat for another year.) I'm lost, I just don't get it. I can't keep up.<br /><br />As I said, isn't there just something so alluring about women of a certain age? Well I could definitely get over that.<br /><br /><br />     
Bruce Bennett - Aug 13,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Enjoy your new boat Chris.......good story!! JB     
Don Maxwell - Aug 13,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Well done, Cap'n Chris! (Or is it--ahem--First Mate Chris now?<br />You'd better hang onto your SeaRey for sure!) Great story, nicely told!<br />     
Jeff Arnold - Aug 13,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Wow! Chris, that's pretty wild. Living for the moment. I like that. So, what kind of special boat are you driving across the country to get? Sounds interesting.<br /><br />We better make sure our wives never meet. Laura has purchased 2 boats on Ebay in the last 14 months. The first was a fully restored 1955 Chris Craft Continental I had shipped to Virginia from California. The second was a 115 year old 2 masted schooner that we drove 14 hours to Maine to pick up. Oh, we also have dogs - Six Siberian Huskies.<br /><br />So, our wives better not meet. They could do some serious damage....<br /><br />Have a great trip and adventure.....     
Frank A. Carr - Aug 30,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Congratualtions Chris, but your story doesnt' quite sound like you are looking forward to the first of the two best days of owning a boat. For us, over the last 25 years of boating, we've moved closer and closer to the water, now that we're here (i.e, living next to it) we do less and less boating.     
Jeff Arnold - Aug 31,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Because you do more and more flying Frank????     
Charlie Huskey - Aug 31,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    THE 2 happiest days of boat ownership is the day you buy it and the day you get rid of that hole in the water called a boat.     
Jack Peters - Sep 01,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm holding out Chris, my Nymph has been applying some little pressure for some time, but I'm over boats,had a few over the years, for me a Nymph &amp; a Searey are the perfecto combo.     
Dave Edward - Sep 01,2004   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey Chris,,,know how you feel. We have an assortment of boats here in Picton. Pedal boat....two kyaks....one canoe...an 11' dingy...a 14' Albacore...a small 'John' boat for Lynn to row...a 12' fishing boat...a Jet ski and a 19' ski boat. When we first settled in Baja for winters, Lynn said we should get a fishing boat there. I exercised my power of veto. Another boat I do not need! Another airplane....Maybe. Enjoy your new adventure....hell, just getting it home will be an adventure.<br />Good Luck!     

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