Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 119,Flying Fun

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Kevin D'Angelo - Jun 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    See if this plays the whole clip      Attachments:  




Dave Lima - Jun 24,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Kevin, is that you flying the plane?     
Frank A. Carr - Jun 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Certainly gives one a calibration of the knowledge of the media and/or how 'news' can be manufactured on a slow news day. No banks robbed in Buffalo that day?     
Bruce Bennett - Jun 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    This is amazing. It looks like Buffalo has never seen a Seaplane/SeaRey. It is very comical that they all thought the plane was crashing, but at the same time it was great that so many people were watching out for the plane if it were really in trouble. I guess they never got the type of the plane on the news, that would have been very good advertisement for PA!! JB     
Mike Dupont - Jun 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Reminds me of an incident I had a few years ago in my Lake<br /><br /><a href="http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=10278171&BRD=1710&PAG=461&dept_id=99784&rfi=8">http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=10278171&BRD=1710&<br>PAG=461&dept_id=99784&rfi=8</a>     
Kevin D'Angelo - Jun 25,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Mike that sounds so similar. It is amazing that they assume that we are doing something wrong. Buffalo is having a hard time with the Searey. The local FAA is having to field a lot of calls from various agencies like the coast guard ,border partrol, sheriffs and police. I think by the end of the summer they should all know me well.<br />     
Mike Dupont - Jun 26,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Even after I called the police on my own to stop the search and rescue before anyone got hurt, I was stopped by the State Police while leaving the airport hours later. They detained me for about fifteen minutes with the explaination that I would be hearing from the FAA. I had already called the FAA because I know everyone in the local office. The inspector that got the call happened to be a big seaplane advocate with ratings that included the Albatros. From what I understand the local police got a little education on sea planes.     
Dan Nickens - Jun 26,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    How did you learn about all the fuss that was being made, Mike? Isn't there a law against making false police reports? I've heard it said that ignorance is no excuse for violation of the law!     
Mike Dupont - Jun 26,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    I was sitting in a pond in my Lake when an instructor from my airport called me on my cell phone. He had recieved a call from a student of his that heard it on a police scanner. I put 2+2 together and made the call.<br />     
Tom Lansing - Jul 17,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes Kevin thats whats worrisome, they know you real well. Hopw your plane still runs OK after you get out. Guys still in Cuba.     
Kevin D'Angelo - Jul 17,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Happened again yesterday - - Sheriffs dept ,Coast guard, fire and rescue boats and Border patrol helicopter showed up while I was floating down the Niagara river with my daughter. What is also funny is I had strung a hammock from the Bow to the wing strut and was sitting in it when they came to our rescue and asked us if we were all right!!     
John Robert Dunlop - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Kevin, you gotta be kidding! Imagine if you held a Gaggle in the Niagara River!     
Dan Nickens - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Dateline Buffalo, July 16, 2007: 'Witnesses reported seeing 12 airplanes collide and crash into the Niagra River. Survivors were located at a local restaurant eating seafood perogies.'     
Bruce Bennett - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan, that's Seafood Chicken Wings! Buffalo is known for their Chicken Wings.....and they are good!! JB     
John Robert Dunlop - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Thems 'Buffalo Wings..'     
Jeff Arnold - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Buffalo have wings????     
Kevin D'Angelo - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    thats an idea - as part of the gaggle all the seareys can land on the upper niagara river for chicken wings then takeoff over the falls<br />problem is you have to be at 3500 feet for the scenic over the falls-especially with all those full bellys,they will probably be over gross     
Dave Lima - Jul 18,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    Yeah, and maybe get to watch those awesome Buffalo Bills!     
Frank A. Carr - Jun 26,2006   Viewers  | Reply
    My all-time favorite was the LA reporter standing in front of a tied-down Bonanza at Santa Monica Airport explaning to the audience what 'flying in the blind meant'; he then had the cameraman pan to the windows of the Beech which were covered with the aluminim heat protection material covering 100% of all windows. 'This is how weekend pilots practice flying blind. No wonder it's unsafe.'     

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