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Category: 119,Flying Fun

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Larry J. Reynolds - May 02,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Had a great to opportunity to be a passenger/co-pilot on an Angel Flight Sunday. One of my hangar neighbors asked me to go along on a flight in his Cessna 182 from Marion, NC to Goldsboro, NC, and pick up two kids and fly them home to Dayton, OH. Being used to Searey speed, I asked him how many days he would be gone, and he said that we would leave at 1030 hrs and return about 1830 the same day. Forgot you could do that in some aircraft. Anyway, we did it and it was a great experience watching a pro at work. The pilot has an ATP rating, has flown corporate in King Airs and Citations, so we flew IFR all the way. No IMC which I was hopping for. First time I have used supplemental oxygen. Tried to experience hypoxia before starting the oxygen but could feel no effects at 15K feet.     
Jeff Arnold - May 03,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I have never done this, but I read somewhere that you could fly at 8K feet at night with out oxygen and then put on oxygen and see a radical change of vision clarity and color.     
Mike Bell - May 03,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I experienced that in a USAF altitude chamber many years ago. I think we were at 10,000 feet. I thought my color vision was fine till we put on oxygen masks. Instantly the vibrant colors in a picture were restored. Larry, at 15,000 feet it might take a long time to 'feel' hypoxic if you are healthy and not exercising. There are altitude chambers all around the country that are open to civilian pilots if you want to try it. Your FSDO should have a list. Some people are lucky; they have obvious symptoms like a headache. I just got goofy and thought I somehow didn't need oxygen, a dangerous situation. We took a test which they let us keep afterwards. While hypoxic I was sure that 2+2=22. Flight Safety or one of the big schools recently got approval for a clever hypoxia simulator. They have you breathe a hypoxic mixture which accomplishes the same effect as the altitude chamber without risking the bends.     
Larry J. Reynolds - May 05,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    I guess part of the problem with hypoxia is that you don't realize you are experiencing it. Maybe that was the case with me. I just did not feel any confusion, disorientation, or other effects, but I had no tests available to evaluate my condition. I am going to sign up with Angel Flight as a co-pilot, so will have occassional high altitude experiences in the future.     
Frank A. Carr - May 06,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Larry, Angel Flight is a great outfit and I'm sure you'll be well pleased with your experience and contribution. <br />Here in Florida I avoid the Flight Levels since I couldn't reach them in my Archer if I wanted. Usually fly <br />missions at 4-5000' but would appreciate a co-pilot anyway.     
Kevin D'Angelo - May 06,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Larrry it is great you experienced the magic of Angel Flights. Where can you enjoy flying, meet and help great people and get a tax deduction at the same time. I also apppreciate my own health and the health of my loved ones all the more after the flights.     

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