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Tim Johnson - Nov 25,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    i have spotted a searey the last 2 weekends flying over my lake in keystone heights, fl, and just wanted to invite the pilot to stop on in. i live on a branch of lake geneva, contact me for the exact lake. thanks, tim     
Steve DiGiacomo - Nov 25,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Tim, I know the feeling and I have a quick story to share. Last week, I was in my garage working on the pylon sides when I heard that Rotax sound. I ran outside just in time to look up to see a Searey fly directly over my house, they were low, I guess heading over to Lk Jessamine or Conway, but it was such a rush thinking he or she is already up there having their fun. I just stood there, out on my deck, with my cleco in my hand. And a big stupid Searey Smile on my face. As I remember, I got quite a lot of work done that day. It was amazing. To whichever pilot it was, THANK YOU! Momentum is our friend.<br /><br />Tim, maybe you can paint the Searey logo on your roof as an invitation? My landlord told me no so if you need the paint... <br /><br />Steve D<br /><br />     
P.C. Russell - Nov 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Steve, what are we to do till NASCAR starts up again? Work on our kits to help the withdrawels? Mine is close to finished. Papa Charlie     
Swede Rundquist - Dec 01,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Steve, It might have been me. Until the 10th of November, I have been flying out of and into Lake Conway since 17 April, flying four or five times a week. Since the 10th I've been rebuilding after trying to teach my Searey how to Scuba dive. Be back in the air soon.     
Rick Oreair - Nov 30,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Tim, I would guess that the Searey you saw flying was Randy Wilders. I think that he has been hitting the Keystone Heights area fairly regularly, and making touch and goes at Geneva. He currently keeps his Searey at Haller Airpark . I hope to be on Lake Sante Fe on Sunday, as the water is down, and I can park the Searey without worrying about cypress trees. What part of Geneva are you on?     
Tim Johnson - Dec 01,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Rick, I should be home sunday if you would like to drop in to my lake. The lake is the first one directly east of Harvey's supermarket, its about a 1800' oval. A friend that lives on the lake has an experimental he use to fly off of here, but its been about 5 yrs since its been out of the hangar. My house is in the southeast corner, maroon boathouse with metal roof. Hope to see you. tim<br />     
Rick Oreair - Dec 03,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Tim, sorry I didn't get this message in time. I flew all around Geneva, and then landed at Sante Fe for refreshments. I'll find you next time. Flew over 4-1/2 hours on Sunday, it was a wonderful day!     
Randy Wilder - Dec 04,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Tim, it may have been me flying over. I did some landings on Geneva and Sante Fe that day on my way back to Haller Airpark from Gainesville. I've only been flying my bird since August so I still need a little more experience before I attempt an 1800' water landing. Next time I'm over your way, I'll check out the approaches to your lake to get a feel for tree lines &amp; heights, power lines, and cell towers. Then I'll need to figure out which house is yours. If nothing else, I can still buzz your house. :-)     
Tim Johnson - Dec 04,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    good to see a searey over head. i live on the south end of the lake and we have a boat house with a metal roof. on the north end of the lake there is a narrow channel where the lake should connect with the next one over, so there arent any trees coming from that direction. the main tree line is on the east side of the lake. cant wait till you get more time and feel comfortable dropping in to my lake. tim     

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