Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Tony Gugliuzza - Nov 29,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    This is on Discovery tonight at 7pm eastern.<br /><br />Its been on before but I missed it - should be interesting.     
Joe Varner - Nov 30,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Several years ago there was a case in Winter Haven where a pilot was flying a husband, wife and two young children back from the Bahamas. The pilot slumped over in his seat as they approached the destination airport in Winter Haven. The husband thought that the pilot had fallen to sleep, however he was soon horrified when he figured out that the pilot was not breathing. The pilot had died of an apparent heart attack. The husband had no flight experience at all and was now faced with having to get the plane back on the gound safely with his family aboard. He got on the radio which was already tuned to the unicom frequency and was able to communicate with a flight instructor that was already in the air doing flight instruction. The husband described the area where he was, and the flight instructor was able to locate the other aircraft and pull along side. The flight instructor then gave the husband a very quick course of how to handle and land an airplane. They made one low approach to the runway with the flight instructor along side in the other aircraft so that the husband could get the feel of what the approach should look like. The next time around was the landing. There was about 4 big bounces before the plane finally settled to the ground and then went off the runway into a ditch. There were no injuries and little damage to the aircraft, however it was confirmed that the original pilot had passed away. I was at the airport and witnessed what was going on and the landing. It scared the crap out of me, I could just imagine what was going through the husbands head as he was faced with having to save himself and his entire family. The husband was hero and also the flight instructor. I don't think that this would have ended well without the flight instructors help.     
Dennis Scearce - Nov 30,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Four big bounces and then to the ditch. Sounds like a couple of my landings, and I had all that expensive training!!     
Dan Nickens - Nov 30,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the 'heads up' about the show, Tony. As was the case at Winter Haven, Joe, the Mythbusters concluded a novice could be successfully talked down.     

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