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Don Maxwell - May 05,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    The unfortunately named 'Department of Homeland Security'* is about to complicate the lives of private pilots who wish to fly into or out of the United States of America. Beginning 18 May 2009 it will be mandatory to register electronically at least an hour before crossing the border. We are to do this using the Electronic Advance Passenger Information System. That's 'eAPIS' for short--although I have no idea who put this electric bee in their bonnet. <br /><br />We have to register first, and the wait between registration and being able to cross the border, the eBees say, can be up to two weeks. (If that's like the wait for a US passport, I'd give it two months.) Therefore, anyone thinking of flying a private aircraft across any US border any time soon had probably get registered before the rush begins.<br /><br />Register at https://eapis.cbp.dhs.gov/<br /><br /><br />* 'Department of Homeland Security' reminds me of the German term Heimatland, an exquisitely benign term that inevitably reminds me of Das Drittes Reich, which in turn reminds me of Herr Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfelt, bless his soul. That's not a political statement, by the way--certainly no more than is 'Work Makes You Free.' Nor is it a religious statement. In any case, if you want to fly your SeaRey across any US border in either direction beginning 18 May, you VILL haff to use eAPIS. Jawohl.     
 - May 05,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Welcome to 1984.     
Larry Woods - May 06,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Don:<br /><br />Good comments and very accurate. This bureaucratic crap, isn't going to help the US tourist trade.<br /><br />By the way, I urge all users of this insane system to read every bit of the prelude material. You wil not believe what happens to each and every 'submission' that you make to these folk..... nor the trouble you can end up in if any part of it is the least bit inaccurate. <br /><br />Heil, mein flugermeisters.<br /><br />A very sad to see this stuff expanding.<br /><br />Larry Woods     
 - May 06,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I wonder what exactly will constitute leaving and re-entering the country? Fly over a wide enough bay? Follow the river near Detroit, one side is Canada, the other USA? It's worrying when government becomes this invasive.     
Steve Gromak - May 06,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    ...they didn't mention anything about jail time for a violation just a fine, first offense $5000, second $10,000 ....sounds like just another tax.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - May 06,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    You guys are such bureaucratic sissies. This is nothing like those poor Brits have to put up with these days, (and I hope and pray it never becomes so.)<br /><br />The total mess of control zones, permissions, advance warnings, and prohibitions they have to put up with would turn our hair grey. On top of that pretty well all their aerodromes have landing fees and most are PPA. You can't go without prior permission which may be with held arbitrarily. We were pissed when we had to call for a transponder code before transiting a control zone but having to call everywhere you go for permission?<br /><br />BUT you got to kick against all the new rules, they are surely the thin end of a very big wedge.     
 - May 07,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm from the UK, between legislation and the price of fuel, flying lost its enjoyment for me some years ago in the UK.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - May 08,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    And the only seaplane I saw in forty years I was there was the Saunders Roe Princess. A bit out of my league!     

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