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Category: 372,Progressive Aerodyne

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Scott Peters - Jul 12,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    I would like to take a few minutes to thank the family that make up Progressive Aerodyne, Inc. On Monday (July 6, '09), I was given the opportunity to visit the headquarters in Orlando. Renee for taking me around and explaining all she does, Michelle for handling my shirt purchase, Paige for helping me with answers that brought up even more questions and Darrell for staying away while not feeling well (after all, I was down there on vacation). Evan the Fiberglass man showed up to deliver three more sets.<br /><br />In the one bay were two SeaReys, a new model being assembled for the new Chiness distributor and an older model for a client. It was very helpful to have both for comparison. Not that any of the older model kits are available from the factory, but used aircrafts are for sale. As bad as I want to keep flying, I will continue to save money for the LSX and it's available options.<br /><br />This company is by all means a family. They all are very busy making or putting together a Light Sport aircraft that is affordable to buy and fly, beautiful to look at, fun and above all - SAFE. For you to stop what you were doing to put up with me speaks volumes for your belief in this product.<br /><br />Thank you for doing what you do...<br /><br />Scott     
Lee Pfingston - Jul 12,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Could not agree more!!! The searey family, and extended family as well as the sites are as valuable as the aircraft. My earliest homebuilding experiences were with the Bushby/midget mustang. built a couple of them. I was blessed by the fact that he was fifty miles away and a great guy! made most of my parts in his shop on his brake, whether or not he was there. Considered this a great leg up on people half way around the world building the same aircraft. Bob Bushby became a 30 year friend and annualled all my aircraft, Cessna/Piper etc. I am involved with PA for year and a half in a similar relationship. Again lucky enough to be forty miles away, at least 6 months a year, I am a florida snowbird. I am at least, if not more happy than with my former affiliations. These are good people!!!     
Frank A. Carr - Jul 12,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    There are 3 families without which I could never have built and flown anything: PA, STS, and the one I'm married to.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     

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