Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 65,New SeaRey Sky Sailors, 316,Training

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Chris Ruggles - Jan 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi,I'm pretty new to the site. My dad and I are building an LSX. We're making steady progress and having a real good time. I'm currently a student pilot we a few more things to do before I'm ready for my PPL checkride. So, what's this post about? Well you see, I'm going to be in Orlando for business and pleasure. My 5 year old Abigail, simply must visit Mickey, Arial, Hannah,... during Feb. school vaca. (2/15-2/20). That will of course be fun. I will be attending a Trade Show (2/27-3/4) which of course will not. So, what to do from 2/21 until 2/26? Hmm... aside from a pilgramage to PA which I intend to schedule, the thought occurs to me that I could buy many gallons of gasoline, multiple lunchs and dinners, obligatory beverages, and lie through my teeth to anybody who'll listen about greased landings and how totally safe I felt for a few short hours of right-seat time in a SeaRey.So if any of you kind souls would be willing to put up with a 49 year-old, 50 hour PA-28, ham-fisted co-pilot, for a bit, at least you'd have your ego stroked and a free meal.Please..., Pretty please... Your's truely,Chriscruggles61@gmail.com<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jan 11,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Can't get you a ride in a Searey, though there are plenty of chaps down there who might.<br /><br />Seems like half the world is visiting Florida over the next few weeks. My second son, Rhett, is at Ormond Beach doing a quick PPL. I've suggested he might visit with some of you guys but he now has 21 days to 45 hours and ground school so he might be a bit pre-occupied.     

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