Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Dan Philgreen - Mar 18,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    This is a long shot. I'm sure some of you have been approached about Haiti projects from left and right. This one involves flying.<br /><br />My best buddy from college, Dave Peters, went down in a Cardinal a few weeks ago to do some video coverage for several groups and is now working on editing several documentaries from the footage. While there he made some reports to his local Christian radio station in Pennsylvania. That stirred up a good bit of interest. One group up there has come forward looking for some transportation logistical support. They have shipped a literal truck trailer loaded with tents (a seemingly urgent stop-gap as the rainy season approaches) and other supplies destined for a specific area they have worked with. A team wants to get down there to make sure it gets to where it's supposed to go (a huge problem). They are looking around for possible private flights to get them down there. Possibly flying commercial down here to Florida first. They have raised money and so I assume they could pay for gas, etc. That's about all I know. My friend is calling everybody he knows with any kind of aviation connections and I happen to be one he thought might know somebody. If this is something you would like to know more about, feel free to call Dave Peters in Pennsylvania: (hm) 215-513-7227 (cell) 215-892-6857 or email: dkpeters2@comcast.net. You can take a look at some of Dave's video from his recent trip on Facebook. Do a search on Haiti Airlift Mission. If you know anybody else with appropriate resources, please feel free to pass this along. By the way, I understand that at one point within the last few weeks, there were six GA airplanes down there available for flights that were sitting for lack of pilots to fly them. Dave knows more about that situation. btw, I understand that there is a lot of support available from groups like MAF to handle paperwork, customs, briefings, etc. to make getting in and out and around down there much more painless than one might expect.<br /><br />Up for an adventure in your Maule, Dan N.?<br /> <br />Happy landings to you all,<br />Dan Philgreen     
Kenneth Leonard - Mar 18,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I will add to Dan's comment that IF someone in this group need to transport something large for the Haiti relief effort, I will be willing to contact my current unit and my old unit (flies C-17) for possible support. I know both units have made many missions in support of Haiti already but I believe my current unit is back to normal missions now. This is not a blanket offer to support anything from anyone. If the Searey group can make a difference, I'll attempt to find heavy airlift support.     
Dan Nickens - Mar 19,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm up for the adventure, Dan, but the Maule doesn't fit the mission profile. Dave is looking for a couple of four place aircraft to shuttle his team in from Florida. Anyone that has a fast four place should get in touch with Dave.     
Dan Philgreen - Mar 20,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for taking a look Dan N. I appreciate your consideration.     

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