Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Tom Yowell - Jun 14,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    WARNING: A Sheriff's Deputy was at Grass Roots Airpark Saturday looking for a green and white seaplane. Someone filed a complaint about the plane buzzing boats and jet skiis. I don't have any more info yet. I'll try to get more, but in the mean time. Let's be careful guys. This could cost the pilot big time and gives us all a bad reputation. I think most boats and jet skiers love a close fly-by, but not all and it only takes one to ruin somebody's day. Be safe.     
Greg Burtner - Jun 14,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I know everyone is going to point at me haha but I can honestly say I was no where near Grass Roots on Saturday. Went straight from Tavares to work.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jun 14,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    When and where did he say?     
Dave Lima - Jun 14,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Does that green paint wash off easily Daniel???     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jun 14,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Aventuras dont have paint!     
Matt Tucciarone - Jun 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey,<br />Mine has paint. Just not on the wings.     
David Myers - Jun 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    good luck to the sherriffs dpt finding a green and white seaplane that did fly by's on a lake in central florida..     
Kenneth Leonard - Jun 15,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    One more reason to paint plane a solid color and use decals for other colors. If you have to, you can 'change clothes' before heading back to the ranch.     
Joe Varner - Jun 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    We also need one of those James Bond gadgets that can change the N numbers by hitting a switch.     
Dan Nickens - Jun 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Maybe it would just be easier not to buzz the boats?     
Jon Ladd - Jun 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Buzz Kill.     
Joe Varner - Jun 16,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Very true Dan, I was only kidding about the numbers. I'm a paranoid pilot after hearing about people getting their license suspended and law enforcement being called for buzzing and etc. I give everything much more clearance than I did in the past. I like flying too much to cause myself any problems with the authorities.     
John Spratt - Jun 26,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    As I shut down my engine recently a uniformed man with a gun pulled up on his motorcycle and began his confrontation with, 'Your yellow ultralight was flying low over Genoa (Note: 5 miles away from KMEV) and making noise!' I explained that my SEAPLANE (not ultralight) had been no closer than 4 miles from the alleged infraction and in the local traffic pattern to accomplish 3 stop and goes for currency, that it was Navy and Bahama blue, with Kelly green and yellow, that there were 3 eye witnesses who saw me in the pattern, one of which was the airport operations supervisor in his truck and that it was the FAA who has jurisdiction in the airspace over said town. Undeterred, he knew he had caught his man, so radioed the disptacher to have the complainant come out to the airport to identify my 'ultralight'. Needless to say, this went no where. <br /><br />Beware of motorcycle deputies with big guns and bigger egos. Only as he was leaving, did I find out who he was and what law enforcement agency he represented (poorly!) by requesting is business card.<br /><br />At home I downloaded my GPS data for the flight, printed a map showing my ground track in the traffic pattern no closer than 4.2 miles to the town and forwarded the all the details to the local FAA FSDO, with copies to the elected sheriff, the deputy's captain and Barney Fife. Of course, no action there either! <br /><br />Fly by the rules and keep your GPS going! <br /><br />On a related issue the Lake Tahoe seaplane noise complaint issue is dead (for now) and the noise expert has joined the ranks of the unemployed according to the local rumor mill. So for now Lake Tahoe is as open to seaplanes as ever. Bring your turbo and fly on up! It's 22 miles long and 15 miles wide of splashing clear water!      Attachments:  


Walt Bates - Jun 27,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice pic, John.<br />Since Tahoe is over 6K I figure you had to be around 9,000 MSL.     
John Spratt - Jun 30,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    13,500 feet msl     
Troy iRMT Heavy Maint. Enriquez - Jun 29,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    This subject came up in one of many conversations at the PA <br />factory open house day. I <br />was told that the green and white plane was indeed found but it <br />was not a Searey your clear Greg. ha ha     

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