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Mike Alger - Aug 10,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hello. New to the site and recently sea rated, I am researching my first potential aircraft purchase. I really like the idea of a Sea Rey, in fact seeing one is what inspired me to get a rating. Any owners out there who could give me pointers regarding what to plan for in terms of operating costs, tips, what to look for, what to beware of and anything else that your experience says is relevant that you could share with me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.Mike Alger<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Don Maxwell - Aug 10,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Mike, my wife, Carol, says, 'You're in the right place. Just keep reading.'<br /><br />SeaRey-specific operating costs are low--less than 5 gallons/hour of hi-test MOGAS. <br /><br />What to look for in building a SeaRey? It's fun, relatively easy, and a great excuse to buy lots of cool tools that you don't need for the job. <br /><br />What to look for in buying a used SeaRey is a technical topic (not allowed on this 'fun' site), so email me or other members for that. <br /><br />What to beware of? Ha! You'll never be the same again.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Aug 10,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Mike, if you think getting your rating in the Maule was a blast, wait till you fly a SeaRey. Although not as fast as a traditional light sport, you will have more fun than anything other plane in the world. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can bank on operating cost being around $20+- per hour (fuel, oil, maintenance and lunch-hehe.) Before I bought my SeaRey, I hung around other Searey guys and accumulated a lot of tips and advice on what to look for when buying a Searey. Greg and I (and everyone else that owns a Searey) will be more than happy to show you the ropes. This is a great family and we look forward to you joining the club!!!     
Tim Johnson - Aug 10,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    mike make an appt and go get a demo flight at PA with kerry, then you'll really be hooked. a ride with anyone is great, but kerry really knows how to 'set the hook' with those interested in the searey. bought mine 2yrs ago, and 150hrs later its still a blast.     
Dick Huffer - Aug 14,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Good Morning, I work at the factory in Tavares FL, with Terry, you got the right info on Terry knowing ride the of a lifetime,,,,Let me know when we can arrange the ride of your life and we will make it happen. Dick Huffer dick@searey.com 352-266-4626     

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