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Robert Lee - Oct 21,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I went to Progressive today to pick up some parts. When I arrived Kerry was in the middle of doing a flight demo for a potential customer. It appeared to me he was really throwing this plane around even more than usual. I enjoyed the show then went inside to look at the various planes in the shop. Later Kerry invited me to fly to lunch with him. He did some demo maneuvers that left me very astonished! With 415 lbs of beef up front, we were heading straight down at one point, pulling Gs and closing on Vne! The LSX took it all in stride and felt solid the whole time. Then he pulled up into a departure stall and no break at all! With the stick pulled all the way back and held back, it just started to slowly nose over around the 33 mph mark and kept flying.<br /><br />The LSX is all what people are saying.... stable, strong and very stall resistant. Ohh and when we left the seaplane base, Kerry set the power and trim then let go of the stick. The LSX flew itself off the lake even while going through some small boat wakes. Look Maa .... no hands. He let me fly it and land back at the shop lake. This is a great handling plane and a great result of their constant improvements and experimenting. <br /><br />If I had not noticed much difference between the classic Rey and the LSX, I would not bother writing a post; however, this bird is very deserving of praise.     
John w Shirah - Oct 22,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Robert,<br />Is that the first time you have been able to go up in the new lsx? Such a thrill isnt it! great story you posted! I had the oppotunity to fly with my uncle a month ago and he let me do all the same manuevers. I was glad to of had my side of the canopy closed when we decided to hurl ourselves straigh down at lake apopka as my iPhone was sittng on my lap after taking pictures and decided to go floating straight up. The improvements are unbelievable compared to the classic rey.     
Dave Lima - Oct 22,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Now the trick is, can we make a classic Searey perform like this??? Sounds like we might.     
Robert Lee - Oct 22,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    I think it is possible, with the right parts and a major tail rework.     
Lee Pfingston - Oct 22,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Tail, wing, and I would advise the boom tripler for the strength to address the greater tail authority. If I had a classic I would be looking at this. A little oversimplified, but I know of four or more such 'hybrids' flying. Rebuttals Dan?     
Dan Nickens - Oct 22,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan says, 'No comment.' All inquiries should be directed to an authorized aircraft representative.     
Robert Lee - Oct 23,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Dan, Roomer has it your going VG and Electric gear! Sounds like a little LSX is rubbing off on Wiskey Tango!     
Dan Nickens - Oct 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    If you stand still, Robert, you just get flown over! N220WT is getting a face lift with new 'classic' flying surfaces, a few structural upgrades, and some conveniences to accommodate future geriatric flying. (I expect to fly the old girl for many years.)<br /><br />What hasn’t changed is my deposit on a LSX kit. I reminded Darrell last week that he has my money and I want my new kit. Nothing I can realistically do to WT will make her as strong as the new gal on the block. And, there is nothing like having an engineering stamp in the side pocket to make me less nervous on a dark and bumpy night flight.<br /><br />Now, I will have to sell the Maule to make room in the hangar (Ann says no to expansion). Sigh. I guess I'll have to get a RV-10 and put it at the airport.     
ollie kennedy - Oct 23,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Roomer has it that that you can add the strut plates and the vg's and a classic searey will fly almost as good as an lsx.It will also be lighter. I don't need all the glass and whistles and bells I got my info from the greatest searey pilot known to man in my book. Thats what I'm going to do to S/N DK002 while I'm in the process of covering and rebuilding it. Can't wait to post the results.     
John w Shirah - Oct 25,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey Ollie. What is the status of #2 getting back into the air? I have my first searey flight memory in <br />that plane and can't wait to see her up and flying again.     
Russ Garner - Oct 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Hey Robert I got the same ride back in April with Kerry in the LSX and posted this video on youtube.<br /><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EKMEuv7K6s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EKMEuv7K6s</a>     
Don Maxwell - Oct 24,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Russ! I'd forgotten about Kerry's hands-off takeoff. I gotta try that. When he did the maneuver at the very end of your video--as he pulled the nose up I thought briefly that he might be going for a barrel roll, but then it turned out to be a wingover/split-S/spiral dive/easy pullout. It sure looked impressive, but I'm pretty sure he never pulled even 2 g's. Two g's is what he'd get in a level 60-degree banked turn, but he never stayed level, and he pulled the throttle to idle right away. That big three-bladed windmill acts like a drag chute to keep the airspeed low. But your 'don't try this at home' warning is one everyone should pay attention to.     
Greg Burtner - Oct 25,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Word on the street is that an LSX apparently 'Looped' at the Tavares SPB the other day...     
ollie kennedy - Oct 25,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    S/N 002 is a 'work in progress' right now. Been very busy with other airplane work and projects and haven't had a whole lot of time for old 77OK but I'm going to get a break here real soon and hopefully have it back in the air in a few months.     
Russ Garner - Oct 25,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Greg, I asked Kerry back in April if he had thoughts about looping the LSX he grin.     
Dan Nickens - Oct 26,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Surely he wouldn't, Russ, because the airplane's R&amp;D Limitations specifically prohibit aerobatic maneuvers.     
Don Maxwell - Oct 26,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Not only that, Dan, but any discussion of SeaRey's specific flight<br />characteristics probably belongs over on the technical site.     
ollie kennedy - Oct 26,2010   Viewers  | Reply
    Don<br /> I second that. Somebody needs to have a chat with Kerry also. Great airplane with a lot of promise. Get the flight testing done and approval for the catagory it's supposed to be flown in, Kerry is an excellent pilot and most mild aerobatic manuvers in most planes can be done without incident. However in the wrong hands it could be disasterous.     

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