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John w Shirah - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi guys,<br />I have been, for the longest time, trying to get my PPL and work my way up from there. I came across a site for 'Florida Aviation Academy' in Pompano beach. Embry Riddle is obviously way out of my price range unfortunatley. However, After looking at their site, They seem to be reasonably priced for all the courses. I was wondering if anyone has attended there or has heard reviews about this school? I am trying very hard to get certified and eventually have a career in the aviation eventually. Any suggestions also on any companies that would be good for possible student loans? <br />I appreciate any advice or suggestions.<br />     
Frank A. Carr - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    John, As for a career, are you familiar with the pay scales for right seaters in commuters and job opportunities with the majors? I'm not in the industry but from what I hear things could definitely be better.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
John w Shirah - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Yeah, Unfortunatley, I am aware of the pay rate right now. I am hoping one day to be able to contribute more to Progressive Aerodyne, and work closer with my family, uncle Kerry and my mom, Renee. I have always loved flying seareys since I was little and want to be more a part of the company in any area I can.     
Dave Lima - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Come to think of it, you are starting to look a bit more like Paige every day, must be the new baby....congrats!     
John w Shirah - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the compliment Dave. I dont know how to take the whole Paige thing but I guess its not a bad thing. Myabe i can go and live for free on yachts and fly other peoples toys around when i grow up.     
Don Maxwell - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    John, I don't know anything about the Florida Aviation Academy, but it sounds like a proprietary school. Before writing a check, you might want to find out whether it's accredited and talk with a few graduates to see if they got their money's worth. Embry Riddle is a respected, accredited university, and it almost certainly can help you with scholarships and grants. So before ruling it out, talk with the financial aid people there. Even at the most expensive colleges and universities it's possible for most students to get financial aid, and many are able to find enough scholarships and grants to cover tuition and books. Maybe even room and board. The proprietary schools are much less likely to come up with aid.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Troy iRMT Heavy Maint. Enriquez - Jun 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    my buddy James dropped 30 large. and his school folded. with 15 heli's and all. still paying and no cert's.     
Chris Vernon-Jarvis - Jun 11,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    My son went to Ormond Beach to get his PPL. Took him about seven weeks and seemed a bit disorganised to me but it was January/Fenruary so weather interfeared a bit and he seemed satisfied. Personally I prefer the 'residential' save up, go and stay there, work full time at it, get the certificate and leave style rather than doing just a flight a week or so for months on end. Better still if you live close at hand.<br /><br />Four things.<br />1) He had an engine failure about two weeks in. Luckily dual at the time. Perfect demonstration of a forced landing. (Invaluable lesson.)<br />2) We paid in lumps of about $2,000 or $1,500 to keep his account in credit but we used credit cards. Don't know how it is in the USA but in Canada if you pay with your card for a service that doesn't happen the card company gives you the money back!<br />3) If you are doing it that way (Money up front even in small doses) you can negotiate a bit on the first stated prices. <br />4) Never, ever put up more than you can afford to lose. (Hence the credit card stuff.)     
Lee Pfingston - Jun 11,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Good advice from CVJ I am older, but we all learned on pay as you go plans at various FBO's I later taught, same program. It does not matter where you get your Pvt. Later employers will not even ask. When you get that Pvt it is only a piece of paper that allows you to further teach yourself. When you have higher hours and ratings you will look back at that Pvt plateau as a very basic plateu. Higher ratings, I definately favor structured curriculum based training. But you need 200 hours for the Comm, and you need the ease skill and comfort you aquire in that 200 hours. A lot of the things you had to really work at for your Pvt have to be automatic by then to continue up the ladder.<br />If you still think at this stage it is a good Idea, and you prefer flying to eating, There are ways to get 'sweat equity' in aviation. I flew many a right seat hour, where the guy in the left got starvation, guy in the right got nothing, but half the hours.     

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