Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Tony Gugliuzza - Jun 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Quick video pretty much explains it....<br /><br /><br />I found out that my previously perfectly good battery has an open cell, so will not carry even the slightest load.<br /><br />If I HAD gotten it started and took off, within 5 minutes I would have been turning tail and running from this storm, and trying to find a place to put down.<br /><br />It was only a little unnerving because I had not way to move the plane to a beach and I couldn't even run my sump pump.<br /><br /><br />      Attachments:  

Caught in a storm at the lake  (at new site video site)
Caught in a storm at the lake (at new site video site)

Tony Gugliuzza - Jun 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ooops.. <br />Copy-write problem is fixed now so this can actually be viewed.<br /><br />     
Don Maxwell - Jun 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Good video, Tony. And I'm glad to know you guys are having flying fun.     
Tony Gugliuzza - Jun 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    When we can... Been working a lot.<br />It will be three or four weeks until I can fly again.<br />My tailwheel slipped off the dragger while I was parking the plane yesterday.<br />It happened right on this little hill and the wheel turned backwards and made the tailwheel retract. It didn't break the cable though - it broke the retract torque tube.<br />I think I can weld it - it broke right at the weld for the little post for the tailwheel cable, but I;m out of town for basically two weeks so fun will have to wait.     
Dave Lima - Jun 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Cheryl looks very comfortable, must be the pilot.<br /><br />I think I have a torque tube do you want it?<br /><br />     
Tony Gugliuzza - Jun 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    It might be the pilot... It might be the beer.<br /><br />Thanks Dave, for the compliment and the offer.. Sent you a message off site.<br /><br />I thought for sure you would have commented on the chicks holding the plane down.     
Russ Garner - Jun 20,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Tony, I have a few torque tubes piled up in my hanger to, how many would you like. I guess you knew better not to wake her up.     
Frank A. Carr - Jun 20,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Good video about a scary event Tony. Some of your volunteer 'TIE DOWNS' are <br />decidedly better looking than the normal ones! <br /><br />What about Lightning with folks in the water?     
Don Maxwell - Jun 20,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Some of those tiedowns look pretty well insulated, Frank.     
Russ Garner - Jun 21,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Not a good place to be in a thunderstorm standing in water holding onto an aluminum plane. ZZZZIT.     
Joe Varner - Jun 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I have been in the same situation as Tony in 50 mph winds and lightning everywhere. My plane was within seconds of blowing over when I ran from a safe back porch to hang on the wing strut. It was not a smart thing to do, but I couldn't just sit there and watch my plane be destroyed. This was one of those valuable lessons not to be forgotten. I thought I had plenty of time to get back in the air before the storm hit but I was sure wrong. Any new guys reading this, please don't take any chances with thunder storms, on the ground or in the air.     
Dave Forster - Jun 22,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Looks like the copyright problem is back     
Tony Gugliuzza - Jun 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes, the copyright problem is back.<br />When I have some time I will move this video to Vimeo.<br />I was a little bit worried about lightning myself, but I think we were in a fairly safe location since there was a shoreline with plenty of tall trees near us. Fortunately we never had any close lightning.<br />In reality, I would have fared just fine even with nobody holding the plane.<br />Since the plane would always face into the wind, it would have taken a huge amount to cause problems. Well, as long as my nose ring and rope held up.     
Tony Gugliuzza - Jun 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    I uploaded the video to vimeo.. See new link in my first message.     

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