Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 47,Splash-In

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Don Maxwell - Sep 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    We're having a SPLASH-IN COOK-OUT on Saturday, OCTOBER 8. LUNCH of grilled hamburgs, hot dogs,BBQ, potato salad, soft drinks--nothing fancy, just eats. We hope you can come. Bring an Other if you can. Please let us know if you're coming so we'll be sure to lay in enoughgrub for everyone. And if you know of other seaplaners who might be interested, pleasepass the word. LOCATION: On Jordan Point, Tar Bay, James River, east ofHopewell, VA, and southeast of the Route 106/156 drawbridge.
Coordinates: (all formats indicate the wrong house in GoogleMaps) N37º 18' 17.77", W77º 12' 53.29" 37º 18.300', -77º 12.880' 37.305000, -77.215000
Radio frequency: 123.375
Phone: 804-543-7110
Street address: 10463 Jordan Parkway, Hopewell, VA 23860. (Google it for anaerial view of the river and the correct house.)
The beach took a beating from hurricane Irene, but it's cleaned upagain now. There's room for at least 6 or 8 SeaRey-size seaplanes onthe sand or tailed upto it, and safe anchorage for about 5,000 more,with a barge to carry you in and out. (Only one buoy, though, so bringyour own anchor if you plan on anchoring.) Fresh water, but 3 foottide. (High tide on the 8th should be at 1:33 PM. Lunch should be noonish) If you're coming a long distance or get weathered in, we can sleepplenty of people, 4/8 in actual beds. = Don & Carol Maxwell
Dave Edward - Sep 26,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Lynn snores....can we come ?<br />Just kidding.....we'll be in Portugal for our 50th anniv. Hope you have a great time.     
Don Maxwell - Oct 05,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    The weather looks great for Saturday, and the tide should be medium by mid-morning (meaning plenty of water everywhere). Here's more info than necessary about the tide and arrival procedures: <a href="http://abstractconcreteworks.com/TajMahouseSeaplaneOps/TajMahouseSeaplaneOps.html">http://abstractconcreteworks.com/TajMahouseSeaplaneOps/TajMa<br>houseSeaplaneOps.html</a><br /><br />Please give me a call if you're coming so we'll have enough eats.     

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