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Mark Worsham - Nov 02,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Does anybody know a place in Virginia where you can fly to, land, tie up and spend the night in a cabin or such?<br />Mark Worsham     
Don Maxwell - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi, Mark. All of the main rivers and most of the large lakes in VA are open to seaplanes. (Flannagan, Philpott, and Swift Creek Reservoirs are not. Moomaw is open to seaplanes less than 24 feet long.)<br /><br />Smith Mountain Lake has cabins on the water. Reservations: <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/smi.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/smi.shtml</a><br /><br />Here's more info about VA state parks: <a href="http://dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/cabgen.shtml">http://dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/cabgen.shtml</a><br /><br />The National Forests also have cabins. For example, Lake Moomaw: <a href="http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/display.asp?id=88&section=facilities">http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/display.asp<br>?id=88&section=facilities</a><br /><br />If you have a tent, there are lots of places to camp (including some of the islands in Tar Bay, on the James; on our beach, too).     
Don Maxwell - Nov 03,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Here's more seaplane cabins and camping in VA state parks:<br /><br />Lake Anna State Park: <a href="http://dcr.state.va.us/state_parks/lak.shtml">http://dcr.state.va.us/state_parks/lak.shtml</a><br /><br />Belle Isle State Park (salt water): <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/bel.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/bel.shtml</a><br /><br />Claytor Lake State Park: <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/cla.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/cla.shtml</a><br /><br />James River State Park (I'm not sure if it's seaplane friendly, but have landed a few miles downstream of there): <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/jam.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/jam.shtml</a><br /> <br />Occoneechee State Park (seaplane landing areas in Buggs Island Lake are limited; check the Water Landing Directory): <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/occ.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/occ.shtml</a><br /><br />Stanton River State Park (see above for Buggs Island Lake ops): <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/sta.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/sta.shtml</a><br /><br />Westmorland State Park (Potomac River, salty): <a href="http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/wes.shtml">http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/wes.shtml</a><br /><br /><br />     
Bill Fosdick - Nov 04,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark,<br />Don has done an excellent job of fact finding of places in VA. If you make it to the Lake Anna area there are plenty of vacation homes that have beaches and or docks. You can preview a bunch on the Dockside Rentals website (<a href="http://www.docksiderealty.com/">www.DocksideRealty.com</a> or even better yet give me a call and you can stay in my guest quarters (although Don's guest quarters are nicer than mine). If its the camping or rustic experience you are looking for, that can accomplished as well. Plenty of tent space here, fire pit and bathrooms and lots of farm land nearby with Searey friendly farmers. I must advise that the heater for our normally warm lake water has been out of commission for 73 days now (earthquake) and the lake is uncomfortably chilly at 65 degrees where it would normally be 80 degrees this time of year. It should come back online in the next week or so. Please feel free to call.<br /><br />Bill<br />540-872-6744     
Don Maxwell - Nov 04,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Ohhh! That pesky lake heater! You really should get it fixed, Bill. Tsk!<br /><br />But I'm glad Mark (who has purchased Matt's Aventura II) asked about places to camp. It's been on my mind for years, but I've been too complacent to do anything about it until now. Smith Mountain Lake was the only state park I'd actually been to--and that was before I had a seaplane. <br /><br />Now I'm thinking it would be fun for a bunch of us to go seaplane camping together sometime.     
Bill Fosdick - Nov 04,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Lake Moomaw has some nice waters edge camping spots. Some are austire type camping spots and others have more accomofdations. Its been on my list to do that for a couple of years now. Its about 30 min north of Jeff A.     
Don Maxwell - Nov 06,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Bill, maybe we should fly over to Lake Moomaw and check out the campsites and beaching possibilities. (Or maybe Jeff would like to do it.) Here's the state's info: <a href="http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/display.asp?id=88&section=facilities">http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/display.asp<br>?id=88&section=facilities</a> It looks like the Bolar Mountain area should be seaplane friendly. There's a marina, and the view in Google Earth seems to show plenty of beaches. Search for 'lake moomaw'; the marina and campground are north of the two islands.<br /><br />I'm probably going to have a look at the James River State Park this week. It's a lot closer--about 10 miles SW of Howardsville and only about 3 miles from 8VA4 (Lotus International Airport). Search for 'james river state park va' in Google Earth. That view appears to show a pool alongside the park--there's a rough dam near the downstream boundary of the park. It's hard to tell, though. My recollection is that the banks are generally about 10 feet high along there, but there may be a suitable beaching area upstream of that dam, just around the bend, where there appear to be some large sand bars. Let me know if you'd like to join up en route or meet there.     
Jeff Arnold - Nov 06,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    On June 29, 2009, Jim Gibson and I flew to Lewisburg, WV to meet AOPA president Craig Fuller. Then we headed over to lake Moomaw to play around. This shot was taken at one of the camp sites - can't remeber which. There was a restroom handy - the main purpose of the stop.<br /><br />Wasn't looking for camp sites, but there were quite a few there. My biggest concern about leaving the airplane in the water would be careless fishermen casting through a wing / tail skin.<br /><br />If you guys want to meet there sometime, let me knowl. Im In!      Attachments:  

IMG 0153.jpg
IMG 0153

Don Maxwell - Nov 06,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Jeff, were you able to taxi up onto the beach?     
Jeff Arnold - Nov 07,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    No, Don. I tried but it was too soft. If I recall correctly, to depart, I started by raising the gear and paddling back out.     
Chuck Norton - Nov 05,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    If I had a completed airplane I'd say count me in. <br />     
Kevin D'Angelo - Nov 07,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Stopped into Crazy horse Marina on Smith Mountain Lake last year- they have a great <br />Mexican Restaurant above the marina and premium gas.     
Mark Worsham - Nov 08,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for all the info guys!     
Mark Worsham - Nov 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Matt told me there was a place on the eastern shore. Anybody know?     

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