Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Don Maxwell - Dec 18,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Yesterday was December 17, the 108th birthday of the airplane. The weather here was similar to on that 1903 day at Kill Devil Hills--cold, overcast, and windy. <br /><br />I wanted to fly to First Flight Airport (KFFA)--it's only about 1.5 SeaRey hours from here--but there were several groundling obligations in the morning and early afternoon. I finally busted free of the ground at about 3 PM and went for a local joyride instead.<br /><br />We live on what used to be the approach end of runway 26 of the old Hopewell Airport (W89). A quarter mile to the east is Buzz Island, lozenge-shaped, low and flat. It's almost 10 times longer than Orville's first flight of 120 feet in 12 seconds and half as wide as the longest flight of that day, Will's 852 footer that lasted 59 seconds.<br /><br />It seemed reasonable to buzz Buzz Island. It's uninhabited, except for a few geese, cormorants, and snakes, and they were probably all at work. I wanted to fly lower, but the wind coming over the trees was unsteady, possibly like what Will and Orv faced 108 years ago on the dunes.<br /><br />Anyway, it was a pleasant ride. Here's a brief lo-res video.<br />      Attachments:  




Daniel Paul Myers - Dec 18,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, what was is like 108 years ago? Okay, that wasn't right. Thanks for posting. Always love the <br />history.     
Don Maxwell - Dec 19,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    My mother's older sister was just learning to walk when the Wright boys flew the Flyer. So she got to see the development of aviation, automobiles, x-rays, antisepsis, the urbanization of America, radio, TV, the Interstate Highway diaspora to the suburbs, the space program, computers, racial and sexual integration, the Internet, and all. She was great fun to talk with. Made it to 91 and was still working for the gum'mint. She missed smartphones, but that's about all, so far.     

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