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Markku Salminen - Jan 25,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Hello all, <br /><br />now when weather is like in that my winter greetings card, it's good to memorize last summers adventures by watching some summer videos. Here is video that one hungarian made during last summer Hauho Splash-In here in Finland. There are also other seaplane related videos and stories from Hauho and other places on those pages:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.seaplaneinternational.com/2011/12/02/video-seaplane-from-the-kit/#more-1376">http://www.seaplaneinternational.com/2011/12/02/video-seapla<br>ne-from-the-kit/#more-1376</a>      Attachments:  

winter fun.jpg
winter fun

Dave Lima - Jan 25,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Great video Markku! I see there are a lot of Gyros flying in Europe, have you ever flown in one?     
Markku Salminen - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    No, I have not flown in Gyro. There has been couple of possibilities tought, but I don't feel brave enough to give my life to depend on one bolt... But yes, popularity of those has risen now when there are usable 2-seaters available for instruction. <br /><a href="http://www.magnigyro.it/">http://www.magnigyro.it/</a><br /><br />AND there are those with floats also!<br /><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw7uWwgSArc">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw7uWwgSArc</a><br /><br />AND<br /><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVe_m_zXbDk&NR=1&feature=fvwp">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVe_m_zXbDk&NR=1&feature=fvwp</a>     
Dave Lima - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes, I thought about the one bolt as well, but they claim that they are very over engineered. Also a modern gyro is the safest form of transportation<br /> (so the experts say anyway)<br />The xenon is the one I like, it has a super turbu Rotax putting out 135hp.<br />Have talked to a few owners and they say the engine is super powerful and reliable.     
Markku Salminen - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Yep, actually I'm not aware any in flight accidents due to that one bolt. Also PIO (pilot inducted oscillation, or something...) accidents are not happening with these gyros with real tails. Most of accidents, at least here, are happened due to losing control during takeoff and affected by gyroforces when rotating.<br /><br />One advantage over conventional light airplanes seems to be that gyros are way more immune to gusts and turbulence. <br /><br />And yes, we have couple of those Xenons also.     
Kenneth Leonard - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Dave - yeah, I talked with Xenon about the engine and they were not at all interested in selling them other than for their planes. Do you know if it's just running more boost or something else?     
Dave Lima - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Ken, Mitsubishi over sized turbo, they say it can pump out 145hp for 60 seconds if needed. That's serious hp!<br />Markku, yes they can fly on very windy days, plus an engine failure is a non event, since the rotor spins on its own freely. And you can't really stall them.     
Don Maxwell - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    We know someone who has gotten almost that much power out of a stock 914 by controlling the waste gate manually and running the boost up beyond 50 inches.<br /><br />Dave, it's possible to make the rotor kill you by going too fast in those things. A SeaRey builder in Maryland did just that about three or four years ago. I think it was Frank Minnick--but I hope I'm wrong. Frank was a nice guy.     
Kenneth Leonard - Jan 25,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Very pretty Markku.     
Don Maxwell - Jan 25,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    As Dave said, Markku. I especially like the way you cut between shots from the cockpit and from the ground to make a more complete story. That's a great website, by the way, with lots of interesting photos, videos, and info about sea and ski flying in Europe. And your daughter, Minerva, is really cute (<a href="http://www.seaplaneinternational.com/2011/08/20/seaplane-meeting-in-finland/">http://www.seaplaneinternational.com/2011/08/20/seaplane-mee<br>ting-in-finland/</a> )     
John Robert Dunlop - Jan 26,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Picture perfect!     
Larry Woods - Jan 28,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Hi Dave: <br /><br />I have around 70 gyro hours in the log book. Lots of fun. Haven't flown one in the last decade. <br /><br />There have been lots of improvements over this last decade and they are safer now than they were back then. At the time, I had the first two seater brought into Canada.<br /><br />Best,<br />Larry     

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