Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Ben Bienvenu - Jul 02,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Where can I ask what the max crosswind is for landing a Searey land or water<br />Was reading a Searey pilot story on why he prefers it to Adventura     
Troy iRMT Heavy Maint. Enriquez - Jul 02,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Max crosswind depends on the pilot.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 02,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    For a beginner SeaRey pilot I would say maximum crosswind component of 5 kts. The <br />average SeaRey pilot, maybe 10-12 kts. It can handle more, but I wouldn't recommend it <br />unless you are extremely competent in the plane. As for water crosswinds, you may not <br />encounter much of that unless you're landing in a narrow channel.     
Don Maxwell - Jul 02,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Max Crosswind--what a great name for a pilot! Reminds me of the old British tv series, "Max Headroom."<p>Ben, there has been some discussion about crosswinds over on STS. A lot depends on how gusty it is--or maybe on how gutsy Max Crosswind is.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Jerry Ratcliffe - Jul 03,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    'Max Headroom'. Wow, Don. You are showing both your age, and your encyclopedic and eclectic tastes! :-)     
Jeff Arnold - Jul 03,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    I landed on runway 36 at KTPA with winds out of 070 at 17 gust 22.<br />     
Don Maxwell - Jul 03,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Oh, yeah. Crosswinds. The best I've done successfully with a steady direct crosswind without having to land diagonally was at KGDW (Gladwin Zettel Memorial), about 25 miles NW of Bay City, Michigan. My log entry says that the wind was '350 at 22.' I landed on 27 with the right pedal all the way down. It was easy, though, because there was nothing in sight taller than the runway lights, except for the small terminal building, which was too far ahead to trouble the wind, and Cindy (I think) on a tractor, towing a mower. When I was paying for the gas she apologized for keeping me waiting--said she had been mowing the turf runway. Huh?! I looked it up later: 15-33.     

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