Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
                           Apr 28 7:29
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Don Maxwell - Jul 23,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    There was an overcast at 700 feet all morning, but by one the ceiling had gone up to 4,300 feet and there were scattered fluffy clouds at 1,800 feet. The air was perfectly smooth, and the SeaRey was flying well. <a href="http://youtu.be/jQmwfUDJPow">http://youtu.be/jQmwfUDJPow</a>     
Dan Nickens - Jul 23,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Well played, Don.     
Dennis Scearce - Jul 23,2012   Viewers  | Reply
Troy iRMT Heavy Maint. Enriquez - Jul 23,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Brilliant,<br />Nothing like getting lost in your flight.     
Don Maxwell - Jul 23,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Just before the last dance with the clouds I remembered to start an iPhone app called MotionX-GPS, which records tracks in 3D. The wingover doesn't show in the track--probably too brief--but you can see the track of my landing at my friend Tommy Crump's place a few miles downstream.<br /><br />If you're curious about how the track looks, open the attachment 'LdgTommy.gpx' in GoogleEarth. <br /><br />Be sure to UNCHECK 'Adjust altitudes to ground height' in the Open process, or the track will be displayed in 2D only.<br /><br />To see the track in 3D after it loads, tilt the map. There are several ways to do that. GoogleEarth help says:<br /><br />Tilt up<br />Windows: Shift + left mouse button + drag down, Shift + down arrow<br />Mac: Shift + down arrow <br />Tilts the viewer toward 'horizon' view.<br /><br />Tilt down<br />Windows: Shift + left mouse button + drag up, Shift + up arrow<br />Mac: Shift + up arrow <br />Tilts the viewer toward 'top-down' view.<br /><br />There are a few anamolies in the 3D track. It shows me floating about 50 or 100 feet above sea level. And there are a couple of kinks in the track where the app evidently lost me briefly. But overall it does pretty well.      Attachments:  




Don Maxwell - Jul 23,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    And if you're still curious, here are two brief videos--flying past Tommy's place and landing on the river, approach from the south, over the trees.      Attachments:  






John Robert Dunlop - Jul 24,2012   Viewers  | Reply
    Fun! <br /><br />Hey Don, I spent Friday to Sunday in the upper Franch River near Lake Nippissing.<br />Beautiful! <br />(The flight home from from Parry Sound across Georgian Bay to Collingwood was virtually IMC in haze. Climbed to 4500' but it got worse so stayed where I could continue to see the ground until I began to get a horizon again..)     

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