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Kevin D'Angelo - Jul 04,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Do any of you Florida guys know if you <br />can land seaplanes on lake maitland <br />,,a relative of my son's wife is getting <br />married at the raquet club there and <br />was looking for someone to fly him <br />and the best man to the <br />wedding,,which rules out a searey as lwe <br />need an extra seat for that     
Bruce McGregor - Jul 05,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    The answer is complex. The City of Maitland's map shows the northern one-third of the Lake within its limits. That City prohibits seaplane landings.<P>The City of Winter Park surrounds the southern portion of the Lake, but the boundary map I found does not include the Lake. Nevertheless the City prohibits "regular" use of the Lake for seaplane operations, but does this prohibit a one-time landing?<P>I would pass on this location.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Alan Resnick - Jul 05,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    If you land on Lake Maitland or Winter Park Lakes, you will talk to the police.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 05,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Winter Park lakes are fine for 'non regular landings' (I believe is what it says). I frequent <br />Lake Killarney and used to go to Lake Sue several times a month. I've never had an issue <br />with Winter Park, but I have never messed with Lake Maitland. I suppose if you land on the <br />WP side you'd technically be okay. Personally, I wouldn't do it, but, call and ask Maitland <br />and WPPD.     
Kevin D'Angelo - Jul 07,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I put in a call to Winter Park police and am waiting for a response from some guy <br />that patrols the lake     
Mark Mclaughlin - Jul 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Two SR's in formation.     
Kevin D'Angelo - Jul 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    talked to the cop that patrols the lake and he said no way- so the wedding will have to go on without a seaplane entrance- such a shame     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Did he say why?     
Dave Martin - Jul 11,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Who did you talk to? Most city employees are unfamiliar with the lake rules or even the terminology. Plane landings in the Winter Park lakes are very rare, so the easy answer of no probably because they never heard of it being done. What date are you looking for?     
Kevin D'Angelo - Jul 13,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I talked to a Officer Hawkins- not sure of the spelling- the wedding is November 30. He was <br />pretty adamant that the town ordinance for both towns forbids seaplanes.     
Daniel Paul Myers - Jul 13,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I would suggest speaking to someone who really knows the ordinances...I don't see why you can't land <br />on the winter park side for a drop off. A friend of mine landed his Kolb there at his house years ago and <br />the officer wrote him a ticket. The make of the vehicle....'full lotus' :'D     
Don Maxwell - Jul 13,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Ha! <br /><br />I rented a Vespa in Rome a long time ago in the name of 'Must Wear Glasses,' the most prominent printing on my Pennsylvania driver's license back then. The guy addressed me as 'Signore Must.' I signed the bill 'Must W. Glasses.' <br /><br />I was really temped not to return the Vespa just because of thinking about the guy reporting it to the police: <br /><br />'What's his name?'     
Dave Martin - Jul 14,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    It's Dawkins. I'll talk to him. Get with me off line and we'll go through some ideas.     
Charles Cantrill - Jul 10,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Kevin, try and get a hold of Dave Martin. He is building a Searey and most important he is a seasoned officer with Winter Park PD and might be a point of contact instead of someone that does not know anything about a Searey. It might be still the same response due to the city ordinances but he can better explain.     
Dave Martin - Mar 21,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Winter Park Racquet Club had a wedding today with a Cub on Floats bringing someone in. (The groom I think) The pilot hired for the flight had "Left the area" before we arrived. (according to the bride) A reading of the ordinance did not show a violation occurred by being in the Winter Park Portion of Lake Maitland.

I thought it was you that landed....
Daniel Paul Myers - Mar 24,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    I think I know who it was :X     

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