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Category: 22,GAGGLES, 510,Georgian Bay Flying

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John Robert Dunlop - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    I have been trying to get my GoPro up and running to show everyone just how beautiful Georgian Bay really is. GoPro cannot tell me why the remote won't shut it off so I have a few hours of boring video. Then along comes Dimos, my neighbour's talented 18 year old son, and we go flying! Dimos is amazing and his camera editing skills a work of art for sure. Enjoy! (and the surprise ending... <br /><br /><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQUs9KfWyQA&feature=youtu.be">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQUs9KfWyQA&feature=youtu.be</a><br />     
Don Maxwell - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Dimos! (Oh, and you, too, John.)     
Jim Moline - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    WDS and Ripper, John.     
David Geers - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice video, editing certainly helps produce an interesting story. What was wrong with the undercarriage operation?     
Frank A. Carr - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    John, sorry about your gear. Great video. Been studying the Hero 3 book myself but lack a neighborhood geek. Mission accomplished: Georgian Bay is beautiful!<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Dan Nickens - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Superbly done, John. Beautiful grassy soft landing too, mate.     
John Robert Dunlop - Aug 19,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks everyone! I wish I had more like Dimos and another two GoPros David!<br />The hydraulic motor apparently has a flat spot. It gave me trouble once a year ago. This time I spent so much time troubleshooting that the starboard gear gradually fell down (the port being held up by the tail wheel.) <br />I have another used motor from Don Maxwell that I have not swapped in yet. After my spring annual I forgot my motor thumper (normally in my left seat pocket.) So two wrongs don't make a right..<br />No damage except my pride..     
Frank A. Carr - Aug 20,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    How can your pride be damaged by a landing with failed gear resulting in no injuries and no damage?<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Dan Nickens - Aug 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Could it be because he is used to ejecting when his airplane goes bad, Frank?     
Dave Lima - Aug 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Good one Dan! Very nice video, too bad the weather up there wouldn't stay nice and warm like that all the time.     
John Robert Dunlop - Aug 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Didn't have my thumper...<br />And to do this with the son of my neighbour (while they watched from the FBO.)<br />First day of the Gaggle with six other planes arriving..<br />More paint off the hull..<br /><br />But the video should be a good lesson for all SeaRey folks. If you have a gear problem, (even one down) don't be afraid to do a normal water landing on the grass..<br />(Guess this should be on STS     
Frank A. Carr - Aug 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Maybe early on Dan, but I wasn't aware that The Canadians allowed ejection seats for Captains in their airliners too?<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
Dan Nickens - Aug 21,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Don't know about the Canadian airliners, Frank, but John did punch out of a F-104, so he has been known to do it.<br />     
Kevin D'Angelo - Aug 22,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice video John- some day I will try to edit my footage. Also thanks for trying to make me <br />feel better about all the gear problems I had at the gaggle in years past. You might want to <br />put Don's pump in your plane now though.     
John Robert Dunlop - Aug 22,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Yep or electric actuators..     
Don Maxwell - Aug 22,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Electric! That's why I had a hydraulic pump to give away.     
Terry Klawitter - Aug 28,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Great video and great landing John.     
John Robert Dunlop - Aug 29,2013   Viewers  | Reply
    Yours too Terry!     

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