Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: 419,Aussie Features, 416,Fly-in

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David Geers - Jan 20,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    G'day, the weekend of January 12 and 13 a few seaplane friends and myself flew to Evans Head on the New South Wales coast close to 300 nautical miles North of Sydney. Great weekend was had by all, especially me as I got to fly a Grumman Mallard from the right hand seat.<br />Please excuse the editing and footage it's not our best work, anyway it should be entertaining. This is all good practice for us before we leave on our round Australia adventure.      Attachments:  

Evans Head fly in
Evans Head fly in

John Robert Dunlop - Jan 22,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Great trip once again David! Just love your editing!<br />I'm still having problem using my remote to get my wing strut-mounted GoPro to stop filming. The remote will start it filming but won't turn it off in flight. Any ideas?     
Frank A. Carr - Jan 22,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    JOHN, I use the iPhone Ap to turn on and off and it works without difficulty. Never <br />tried the GoPro remote. One of the neat features of the iPhone remote is the <br />viewing screen.     
Jerry Ratcliffe - Jan 22,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    John, my experience is actually the reverse of Frank's. I had problems with the iPhone app, but also experienced programs with the GoPro remote battery running out quickly. My SOP now is to turn off the cameras as soon as I have finished the filming. It seems to save the camera battery juice and it seems to also slow down the rate of remote battery depletion.<!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->     
David Geers - Jan 23,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    John first and most important is make sure that it is firmware is up-to-date. I use the GoPro app on my iPhone to control the camera. It works fine about 90% of the time, I find if you leave the iPhone on you will flatten the iPhone battery within about 2 hours which is about as long as your GoPro will run with the extra battery back pack. I guess my biggest tip is the extra battery pack, turn the camera on before you leave the ground and then concentrate on flying. They can be distracting in-flight.     
Frank A. Carr - Jan 23,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    With the iPhone Ap controlling the GoPro, I've found that after it warns of 'Battery <br />Depletion' the WiFi circuitry shuts down but the camera, if already filming, will <br />continue to record for about 30 minutes and no data is lost.<br /><br />I certainly agree with David that the whole thing can be distracting in-flight. <br />However, I've noticed that he seems to have a right seat helper also working the <br />SLR! That's probably the best option!     

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