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Dan Nickens - Feb 08,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    A neighbor of mine with a Lake amphibian, Dave Taisch, is lobbying for seaplane access to a local park. He is seeking support from anyone who may have an interest in opening the park for seaplanes. Here is his request:<br /><br />Dear Seaplane Pilot,<br /> <br />I am trying to talk the authorities into making one of the boat ramps at Hickory Point Park seaplane friendly, AND I NEED YOUR HELP -- I NEED YOU TO WRITE AND SEND ONE E-MAIL FOR ME BEFORE THE NEXT BOARD MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26.<br /> <br />Hickory Point is a park located on Lake Harris 3 miles from my house, 1 mile from the SeaRey plant, and about 5 miles from Tavares. They have 12 ramps for launching and retrieving boats. They are in the process of spending something like $160,000 to make some of the ramps canoe and kayak friendly, and handicap friendly. I am trying to talk them into making them seaplane friendly. Unfortunately they are well into their plans, and having trouble shifting gears midway through the process. <br /> <br />One of their biggest concerns is: Is there really a demand for this, or am I the only one that wants this. So, you can help me by sending an E-mail to the following people with a copy to me: This can be one e-mail with all of the addresses in it.<br /> <br />cmaimone@lcwa.org (Carolyn Maimone), kpitcher@lcwa.org (Kelly Pitcher), johnnelsonharris@aol.com (John Harris), leverlyfr@lcwa.org (Larry Everly,Jr), adufresne@lcwa.org (Adam Dufresne), pcox@lcwa.org (Peggy Cox), cclark@lcwa.org (Charles Clark), MPerry@lcwa.org (Mike Perry)<br /> <br />PLEASE ALSO SEND ME A COPY OF WHATEVER YOU SEND TO daveanruth@aol.com<br /> <br />Thank you in advance for any help you can give me with this.<br /> <br />Dave Taisch<br />e-mail: DaveanRuth@aol.com<br /> <br />PS: If anyone wants to attend the meeting with me, it is at 3:30 PM in Tavares on February 26. If you fly in, I will pick you up at Leesburg (LEE) or Tavares (FA1) and drive you to the meeting, or you can walk from FA1.<br /><br />     
Dan Nickens - Feb 09,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Here is what I sent in support of Dave's request:<br /><br />'Request for Amphibious Seaplane Access at Hickory Park<br /><br />Please consider this request for seaplane access at Hickory Park in support of that by sought by Dave Taisch. It is my understanding the park is currently in the process of modifying existing docks to accommodate kayaks and handicapped boaters. A very simple, inexpensive change to the current configuration would meet accomplish the park’s current goals while expanding potential users by allowing amphibious seaplanes direct access.<br /><br />The success of the City of Tavares’ seaplane base has proven the popularity of promoting such access. Both seaplane pilots and residents have strongly and visibly supported the presence of seaplanes, improving the popularity of the City’s waterfront.<br /><br />From my association with a major amphibian manufacturer located on nearby Lake Idamere, I am confident the facilitation of seaplane access to the park will also promote local industry and jobs.<br /><br />The impact of adding another new class of use will only improve the long term viability of the park. As a resident of Lake County living directly across from the lake from the park, I strongly support Mr. Taisch’s efforts on improving access to the park for all potential users, including amphibious seaplanes.<br /><br />Dan Nickens'     
Dan Nickens - Feb 24,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    More from Dave:<br /><br />Dear Seaplane Pilot,<br /> <br />First of all, I want to thank the 13 of you that have written comments to the LCWA board expressing your interest in having one of the park's 12 launch ramps made seaplane friendly by eliminating one of the 6 piers and cutting down four trees.<br /> <br />The board meeting where this will be discussed is this Wednesday at 3:30 PM in the round county building in Tavares on the second floor. If any of you who are local want to attend and make comment, get there a few minutes early and fill out a card asking to speak on 'TAB 3'. Any support at this meeting that you can give, would be appreciated.<br /> <br />Those of you who have not written comments to the board yet, please do so immediately, or it will be too late to help.<br /> <br />At this point the major excuses I am getting from the Executive Director and board members that I have talked to is that it would be too dangerous to have planes with propellers turning to operate on the same ramps as boats and vehicles pulling boats and trailers, and people walking around . There is also concern that at low water we could damage our landing gear trying to taxi up on the ram when our gear extended below the lip of the ramp. Unfortunately there was a case like this at Tavares, and a Tavares official has advised them not to mix boat and seaplane traffic on the same ramp. <br /> <br />If any of you who have not written yet can address these issues it would help. If those of you who have written can write again addressing these issues it would also help a lot.<br /> <br />I am going to be stating in my talk at the meeting that prop strikes are not a common accident because pilots are well trained to clear an area before starting, and to shout a warning before starting the engine. And that when the engine is running, it makes enough noise to warn any pedestrians. I am going to also mention that the propeller arc on a float plane is inside the area of the floats, and on a flying boat it is above and behind the cockpit and not easily accessible to a pedestrian when the plane is moving. It would really help if you could mention other boat ramps you have safely used in other parts of the country.<br /> <br />On the gear damage problem, I am going to suggest a 'Use at Your Own Risk' sign and water depth gauge at the end of the ramp would solve the problem.<br /> <br />If you could send these suggestions and any others that you have, I would appreciate it.<br /> <br />If by some chance, I have missed you in previous communications, I am trying to talk the Lake County Water Authority that owns Hickory Point Park on Lake Harris next to SR19 South seaplane friendly, and would like you to write letters supporting the idea, stating you would like to use the picnic, boardwalk, boat launch ramps, and other facilities by arriving in your seaplane. Financial gain from increasing traffic at the park is not a good excuse as the park does not charge for entrance. Comments on how increased seaplane activity in the area helps local businesses might be helpful, especially as it will help Tavares or Leesburg if you refuel before flying home, or use the restaurant or hotel in Tavares, or Maintenance facilities in Leesburg. And of course it might help SeaRey in Tavares sell airplanes.<br /> <br />cmaimone@lcwa.org (Carolyn Maimone), kpitcher@lcwa.org (Kelly Pitcher), johnnelsonharris@aol.com (John Harris), leverlyfr@lcwa.org (Larry Everly,Jr), adufresne@lcwa.org (Adam Dufresne), pcox@lcwa.org (Peggy Cox), cclark@lcwa.org (Charles Clark), MPerry@lcwa.org (Mike Perry)<br /><br /> <br /><br />PLEASE ALSO SEND ME A COPY OF WHATEVER YOU SEND TO daveanruth@aol.com<br /><br /> <br /><br />Thank you in advance for any help you can give me with this.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Dave Taisch<br />     
Dan Nickens - Feb 27,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    From Dave Taisch:<br /><br />Dear Seaplane Pilot,<br /> <br />First of all I want to thank all of you who took the time to write the board encouraging them to make the Hickory Point Park seaplane friendly. I also want to especially thank those who came to the meeting and spoke to the board.<br /> <br />I am sad to report that all of this effort was in vain. Without going into too much detail, it appeared that the board had already made up its mind, listened for awhile, asked a lot of questions to keep me from making my full presentation, then tabled the issue with no action, and no likely hood of future action.<br /> <br />I feel bad, because their response makes no sense to me, but then I am prejudiced.<br /> <br />Thank you again,<br /> <br />Dave Taisch     

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