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Category: N805PY, Flight Sims

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Steve Kessinger - Jul 03,2023   Viewers  | Reply
    Anyone tried it? Read some criticism about the sound.


Aerosoft SeaRey advanced
Aerosoft SeaRey advanced

Aerosfot FSX SeaRey Light
Aerosfot FSX SeaRey Light


searey 01
searey 01

Don Maxwell - Jul 03,2023   Viewers  | Reply
    Ho! That's great fun--almost like flying a real SeaRey. A few things really trouble me, though. It appears to have an A or B hull and the pilot says it has an 80 hp engine. It has manual flaps--these on what's called a SeaRey Elite, which in real life would have a C hull, a 914, and electric flaps. No matter. It's almost cool enough to make me wish I had a simulator.     
Don Maxwell - Jul 04,2023   Viewers  | Reply
    But the problem with simulators is that a lot of them don't limit you to the airplane's actual flying characteristics. For example, Russ Garner had one with a SeaRey that would let you do slow rolls. In real life, a Rotax engine will stop dead as soon as the float bowls lose positive gravity.     
Steve Kessinger - Jul 05,2023   Viewers  | Reply
    Long time ago I read a story about Sinatra ragging on Benny Goodman for always noodling on his clarinet, Goodman replied "Because, Frank, if I don't practice I'm only good, not great."

Agreed, you have to watch out for negative learning so I'd never use a sim for real flight training, even the Level D sims we use at work aren't quite the same as the real thing, but I've got a desktop computer in the back of my hangar with the Discover Arabia SeaRey on it. If I've been doing a lot of relief pilot trips I'll go back, fire it up and doing some simmin', keep my hand-eye reflexes up. (OrbX KBVS add-on scenery with the Discover Arabia SeaRey shown here.)

I still say the sharpest I've ever been as a pilot was when I was flying the ATR 4-6 legs a day, 100-120 hours/month. I was young then.

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BVS Live (2)


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BVS MemOrbx(2)



Ken Leonard - Aug 03,2023   Viewers  | Reply
    I will be building my first sim from the ground up when I complete my hike in October.

This is to practice instrument skills for my IFR.

It also looks like I can actually train in and take the exam in my Searey IF I can find a DAR to do it.

Fsx 12, air manager, three screens for outside the plane, two or more screens using airmanager for instruments.

Knobster and yoke and throttle already purchased.

If anyone is super solid on standing up a good simulator, I’d be happy to chat…in October.

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