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Russ Garner - Aug 14,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    John Leenhouts, SNF spokesman told QB members at last weeks meeting that SNF is
for the most part broke and it will take them several years to recover after covid is
behind us.
The club donates every year to SNF but this year we up our donation to $2500.
John says, they will appreciate anything anyone can do.
Don Maxwell - Aug 15,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    Ugh. I never thought about that. But SNF does have year-round expenses at LAL. (I confess to being annoyed when they started charging for parking--but then I started thinking, and paid up gladly.)     
Steve Kessinger - Aug 18,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    We almost went under after the tornadoes in 2011, we busted our arses and pulled it out to reopen the show on Friday. I'll never forget getting kicked off the field Thursday night and told to go home to my hotel, then sneaking back in a oh-hurt Friday morning and picking back up. (One of the first things I saw was a guy from the Port-a-Potty crew dead asleep in his truck cab leaning against the window. Could you imagine cleaning up tornado blasted port-a-potties all night long?)

When the F-22s arrived around noon someone must have told them to beat the crap out of the field, because they did, and people were cheering. I've been told that the local communities are working hard to come up with funding to keep SnF going, somehow. If tornadoes can't stop SnF, a virus won't. I hope.
Russ Garner - Aug 21,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, if I remember right we were having lunch that morning at Chili's just as that tornado was going through SNF
and watching the path on your phone as it passed just a few miles south of us while we were eating.
Don Maxwell - Aug 22,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    That's how I remember it, too, Russ. It was a good morning of a bad day.     
Steve Kessinger - Aug 22,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    They had evac'd us to the Corporate Air hangars on the east end, on the drive over we had to dodge the DC-3 that was in the process of being blown across the runway. I've never been in combat so when we got the all clear and came out I mentally steeled myself for seeing dead and broken people, driving around we kept hearing calls of Redbird, Redbird, Redbird (code from crashed airplane), and the boss finally told everyone to maintain radio silence about broken airplanes, keep the frequency clear for reports of people injured so we could get help to them right away. The radio went dead silent, we could not believe that in all the bent and twisted metal there was not a flood of injuries. IIRC, there wasn't a single fatality, the worst injury was a broken tibia.

If anyone wants, I can post pics when I get home.
Russ Garner - Aug 22,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    Steve, it would be interesting to see again what a mess that little tornado did and like you say no one was seriously injured.     
Steve Kessinger - Aug 22,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    I'd like to hear from everyone else, too, Russ, I'm sure there was at least one other SeaRey pilot there during the week, in the second video at 9:08 there's a SeaRey fuselage, no N-number visible and it looks like it's at the pre-wing/post-engine stage of build. Could be the PA display area?

Wikipedia says it was a single EF-1 hit the field, I remember seeing an overhead image later with 3 separate damage paths, one of which went directly through the showcase area, but touched down before and after the displays. It lifted up and right over the most populated part of the field! (the other 2 tracks were in the middle of the runways.) Everyone remembers the first hit, but forget that about an hour later another tornado passed nearby.

It was my first Sun n Fun, my first Garner's Landing, I was hanging on to the tail of the airplane and just trying to help where I could without getting in the way.

SnF Tornados
SnF Tornados


Sun 'n Fun 2011 Part 1 The Tornado
Sun 'n Fun 2011 Part 1 The Tornado

Bruce MacInnes - Aug 23,2020   Viewers  | Reply
    That’s as close as I’ve ever come to being killed - We had a Skip Barber Racing School Booth on the taxiway in front of Hanger 1. It
was eerily quiet just before the tornado hit. It pounced like a predator and vaporized the ECI tent 30 yards away. I was able to get to
Hanger 1 to seek shelter while the tornado roared just outside. One ECI employee was severely bleeding, and I used a towel to stop
that while help arrived. I believe 63 aircraft were damaged, including 3 AirCams... It was a miracle no one was killed.

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