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Peter Brown - Nov 15,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Anyone happen to know the angle of incidence on a LSX/LSA? It appears
to be greater than any other aircraft I have seen, which makes me curious about it.

Don Maxwell - Nov 16,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Peter, it's too complicated a subject for this site--sorry--but there's are several discussions about it on STS, the Searey Technical Site. Here's a link to one: http://searey.us/sts/?News&p=SZO780000 (You have to own a Searey or a kit for STS membership.)

But a very general answer is that the airplane must be able to taxi, take off, and land safely on both water and land, and that requires just enough incidence but not too much. And a lot of other things, too.
Peter Brown - Nov 16,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the response Don, I'm actually fairly familiar with the term and the variables that affect it. I was asking for a number. As
a non-owner I don't have access to the technical site.

Don Maxwell - Nov 17,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Peter, if you're thinking about the apparent incidence of the wing to the fuselage, there's an illusion at work. In level cruise, the aft half of the fuselage is angled upward a bit.     
Peter Brown - Nov 16,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the response Don, I'm actually fairly familiar with the term and the variables that affect it. I was asking for a number. As
a non-owner I don't have access to the technical site.

John Dunlop - Nov 18,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Peter, the angle of incidence was probably determined by the optimum angle of attack for liftoff from water (and water landings) at max gross, with the hull planning at 50 mph.     
Dave Edward - Nov 16,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    This posted by one of our more knowledgeable members.....previously.
' Mine measures 7 degrees relative to the boom tube.'
Peter Brown - Nov 17,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Dave.     
Kenneth Leonard - Nov 18,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Probably closer to a Catalina than anything else.     
Peter Brown - Nov 18,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    John, without talking to Kerry, I would agree. Kenneth, absolutely right.     

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