Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: Sea_Plane_Pit_Stops_in_Florida_Keys, SeaRey_Adventures, Searey_Adventures, N21GE, SEA_REYS_IN_MIAMI_AND_SOUTH_FLORIDA

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Luis Sotero - Jan 22,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Greetings Fellow Flyers, Our Sea Rey family has a special invitation to the 2015 Winter Poker Run which has an Air, Land, and Sea format. The Poker Run travels from  Miami through Key Largo and the Upper Keys,  ending in the Middle Keys at Marathon. This a very desirable destination for recreational sea plane owners, due to its calm protected bay waters, and first class airport. After an extensive planning effort with many organizations, resort operators and county officials, organizer   Stu Jones,  president of the Florida Powerboat Club,  has extended a personal invitation to The Sea Rey community, due to the unique nature of our aircraft, making us the ideal attendees for this rare,  Air-Land -Sea Poker Run. I have participated in quite a few of these poker runs throughout my life and they are a world of fun. I would love it if my Sea Rey Brothers and Sisters would join me on this run.. There is a very exciting agenda, this is a brand new resort where the event is being staged, and the event is full of spirited, laid back, upscale people who enjoy the finer things in life!  Special arrangements have been made for safe storage, docking and wash down of aircraft in Miami, at the checkpoints and in Marathon at our destination marina and airport. The hotel on property is a brand new Hyatt Place, just open in December, with event room rates at just $ 199/night.  The Florida Powerboat Club offers a concierge style approach...they will book all your rooms, plan all the activities and make arrangements for safe storage and parking of the aircraft. What's also great, is that they televise all of their events on SunSports, so all attendees are guaranteed television coverage! Please visit  www.flpowerboat.com - the Winter Poker Run link is on the home page to the Left side. That leads to an event schedule and an event booking form. The fees include your lunch and dinner souvenir tees, an event DVD, and all the planning for a great fun weekend! If anyone were to have any questions please do not hesitate and call me at 786 357 4663. Folks, this is a great opportunity to get to know the Keys and the different locations that we can stop at. This is my back yard, and  I can be your personal tour guide to many interesting and fun places to make this a great adventure! I look forward on having some of you as my wingmen or wingladies..    Luis Sotero     
Philip Mendelson - Jan 23,2015   Viewers  | Reply
    Luis, Thank you for the invite! Kim and I would love to attend one of your events! Perhaps the weather would work in May. Best!     

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