Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Favorite option: If you want this item to be marked as a favorite, click on the black heart.   Landing At Tommy's and TaxiOut  
Owner -  Don Maxwell
File - LandingAtTommy's+TaxiOut.wmv - 

Don Maxwell - Mar 20,2009   Viewers  | Reply
John Robert Dunlop - Mar 20,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Sounds like you need your gearbox shimmed..     
Don Maxwell - Mar 20,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Could be, John. But the camera on the strut has a more sensitive mic than the other one does, and I probably should have turned its volume down farther when splicing the clips together. All the same, the engine has always made that noise, louder than any other I've heard. It's been shimmed once and it still starts right up, with no chucka chucka.     
Tony Gugliuzza - Mar 21,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Don,<br /><br />I like this two camera edit. Nice.<br /><br />     
Don Maxwell - Mar 21,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    It's a lot easier to cut from one view to the other than to place one inside the other. But the two cameras' video and audio are so different that it's almost impossible to make the cuts unobtrusive. Fading to black in between clips helps, but you can't do that every time and get away with it.     
Mike Tumbiolo - Mar 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Don,<br /> I used to have a do video bus. doing wedding videos and so on, and I found the best way if you have any video editing software in your computer is to use 1 audio track through the entire clip and just make video transitions. Try to sync the tracks as close as possible in the time line, but usually this is not an issue unless someone is talking and you need to sync the words to there lips. Great video though. I want to do a few of my own this summer and maybe add them to our collection. In any case, I hope this helps.<br />Mike     
Don Maxwell - Mar 22,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks, Mike. I tried using just one audio track on a couple of SeaRey videos last year, but for some reason didn't think to do it this time. It would have been much better. The really stupid thing here was that the little camera on the float strut kept running until the memory card was completely full--90 minutes. When that happens, the audio often gets out of sync with the video near the end, so I ended up having to split the audio track out and move it so that the audio matched the video.     
Bruno Grondin - Mar 27,2009   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, Don, Don,,,,, you made avery nice clip a very nice alightning very nice going on the beach bottom line every thing was perfect...but.....hehehehe you still need to put your feet in the water heheheh<br /><br />Hug<br />Bruno     

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