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Category: 230,Flying Fun

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Owner -  Don Maxwell
File - LetGo,Jeff!.wmv - 

Don Maxwell - Jun 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
Jeff Arnold - Jun 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks for the movie clip Don. For me, hang gliding is the most rewarding form of pure flight. An experience beyond words!!<br /><br />Dan Nickens - Have you ever flown a hang glider? I would love to see your writing skill applied to conveying the experience.........If you haven't, come to Claytor Lake. I can take care of that.     
Frank Noordhuis - Jun 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Jeff you are so right!, nothing but nothing is like flying a hang glider.<br />The only time when man and machine meld together to become a single unit.... you know what I mean if you fly hang gliders. The closest you'll ever get to feeling what a bird feels like.<br />Hawks used to fly 10 feet off my wing tip trying to figure why humans are trying to mimic them. They pivot the heads back and forth looking at you and would soar the ridge along with me in formation.<br />This is a young guys sport... hang gliding means you walk and carry your aircraft to the top of the highest precipices and that’s like work.<br />Total flight freedom is what it’s about!<br />Want to see my scares… if you’re a high time hang pilot you must have them.<br />I had over 600 hours when I hung up my prone harness for the last time, I moved to Lazair ultralights. Now that another good flight story Eh Don M.<br />Hang Gliding is pure flight magic, no words for it as Jeff said.<br />     
Jeff Arnold - Jun 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, I have a very sheltered hang glider career. Until this weekend, the only flying I had done is behind my buddy Steve's boat. Now I have flown behind 2 boats. Boat towing involves very little kite carying. Just set it on the boat and go fly.<br /><br />I haven't logged any flights and I have no certification. Steve taught me to fly. We did 4 tandom flights and then I asked when he thought I would be ready to solo? He said I don't know, what do you think? I said 'I don't know, what do you think?' and then he said 'Let's find out' and off I went. My first kite solo was every bit the rush intensity of my first powered plane solo. I would guess that I now have between 40 and 50 flights, maybe more. Each flight lasts 12 to 18 minutes.<br /><br />I have no scares. In the three years I have been doing this with Steve, I have not seen anyone get any scares. At first I thought it was dangerous and thought I might see someone get hurt or worse. I have come to realize that hang gliding is very safe. If the kite doesn't brake and you don't intentionally fly into something, then you will be fine. We replaced all the flying wires on our kite with a heavier gauge. Steve has been doing this for over 20 years and he has some battle stories (but no scares).<br /><br />Regarding being old, Tommy Crump is probably 70+. He is small at probably less than 120 pounds. He sure can fly a kite though. He had one flight where he caught thermals and was up close to 30 minutes. Before I went up, I asked him about stragegies for catching thermals and he siad that if he told me he would have to shoot me. I asked if he could tell me so I could enjoy them and then he could shoot me later. He just smiled and turned away.<br /><br />You should try a boat tow Frank. Come to Claytor Lake and I can facilitate it.     
Frank Noordhuis - Jun 28,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    An offer I have to take you up on. Any close up pictures of the tow setup?<br />We only dealt with mountains, valleys, trees, rocks, cactus, gopher holes.. Oh and cow patties in the landing zones. <br />Water looks like an inviting place to land a hang glider on a hot day.<br />Thanks for the offer… maybe Dave Lima might want to join me.<br />     
Jeff Arnold - Jun 28,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, here is a picture of steve's rig. The tow line comes out of the mast in the bow hatch. The spool of tow line is under the rear seat and goes under the floor board to the front. Steve has it set up so that one person can drive the boat and run the winch. It is a busy job for the boat driver.<p><img src="/show.php?splash=SZUZS6001h&zinlinez" alt="img_1979a"><!-- >'"><br><font color=red size=6>' or &gt; missing in user HTML. Please fix the HTML.</font> -->      Attachments:  

img 1979a.jpg
img 1979a

Frank Noordhuis - Jul 03,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Jeff, WoW great rig!!!     
Dan Nickens - Jun 26,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Done deal, Jeff! It looks like a blast.     

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