Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Going Overboard (or Bahamas Number 1)
Acro at Farmville
 Photo Info
Posted By: Nickens, Dan
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2017
Description: SuRi left Ponza for Elba, cruising all night. Unfortunately a complication with the ship's coolant system slowed the boat down. At dawn we were still hours away.

The owner approached. "Can we launch from here?"
"Open ocean?"
He nodded.
I looked at the swell. "I can, but not with anybody on board."
"Oh, well. You can ride with us to shore in the Intrepid. We're going hiking!"
Date Taken: Sept. 22, 2017
Place Taken: Elba, Italy
Owner: Nickens, Dan
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Read what others had to say:

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    By hiking he meant 8 miles up and down the hilly shoreline.      Attachments:  

Elba Bay 1718
Elba Bay 1718

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Some things you just don't get to see from SeaRey altitudes. Hiking the shoreline we came across a clothing optional beach. Based on the scenery I couldn't wait to get back to flying.      Attachments:  

Clothing Optional 1732
Clothing Optional 1732

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It wasn't all tough tramping. There were cafes along the waterfront. That's where I proved useful by having enough local currency to purchase the guests' gelato.      Attachments:  

Cafe View 1722
Cafe View 1722

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It would have been great to see Roman ruins along the coast, but we settled for old fascist fortifications.      Attachments:  

Coastal Fortification 1726
Coastal Fortification 1726

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Can you lose track of the guests in a cave? It was a concern. Fortunately I had Monica along to help herd them.      Attachments:  

Caving 1727
Caving 1727

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Finally back in civilization! Except we were in the wrong place. There was no SuRi in sight. Fortunately they were within radio range and quickly recovered.

The problem with being in the wrong location was there was no dock for the tender. Well, there was a dock, it was just that the top was falling in. Someone at the nearby hotel must have noted my forlorn look. Two beach attendants came over with heavy ramps they laid across the fallen sections. Ten minutes later we had a suitable dock. I left them both a hefty tip for saving what little was left of my tattered guiding reputation.

Playcraft 1723
Playcraft 1723

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Old SeaRey pilots should get a nap after an eight hour hike. It was not an option. When SuRi arrived, the water was beautiful. The fed and rested guests couldn't wait to fly.

Elba was a great place to aviate. There were ruins up on the hills. Not far away was the fort Napoleon occupied when he was banished there. In the adjoining harbor there were three mast sailing ships. Strangely, the rigging was fully occupied by white suited sailors. Several modern military vessels were in attendance. Two heavy military helicopters hovered nearby. Caribinieri swarmed the surrounding waters. In the middle of it all a heavily decorated barge full of VIP toured the harbor fleet.

TFR? I hastily called the local flight service. No flight restrictions. It was just graduation ceremonies for the latest class of Italian sailors.

Last Light Flight 1743
Last Light Flight 1743

Carr, Frank  - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    That's a pretty spectacular photograph Dan. Better than a nap. Thanks.

I must have missed something along the route or translation; who's the fed?
Nickens, Dan - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It's the guests who had eaten, Frank. They fed, then they flew. (In this case "fed" = Italian for lots of food eaten.)     
Carr, Frank  - Nov 20,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Oops. Sorry. Guess I used up my One Dumb Question.     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 21,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Not dumb at all, Frank. "Fed" is a deceptively complex and ambiguous word, particularly if you in Italy. I'll try to be more careful in the future.     
Don Maxwell - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    "Old Searey pilots"? Pfff! Call back when you qualify for the UFO. http://ufopilots.org/     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I'm told it's not the number of years, it's the mileage that counts. After tramping up and down hill and dale I felt like 90 (at least until I was told I could fly...that made me feel like ten again!).     
Don Maxwell - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The guests cued up to completely fill out what remained of the day with nonstop flights. With a full dance card of formal flying there was no time to photograph the lovely island or military ceremonies. Sigh.      Attachments:  

Sublime Setting 7168
Sublime Setting 7168

Don Maxwell - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Sublime, indeed!     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The new day found SuRi at sea, heading back to the mainland.      Attachments:  

Breaking Day 7187
Breaking Day 7187

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Still out at sea it wasn't looking great for SeaRey operations.      Attachments:  

Sailing into Genoa 1759
Sailing into Genoa 1759

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    A port that launched Christopher Columbus should favor a little seaplane. There was hope. Operations were authorized as long as I departed 1 km from shore and avoided sensitive areas.      Attachments:  

Port of Genoa 7201
Port of Genoa 7201

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Unfortunately the water 1 km out was unsuitable for SeaReys. Once again I pressed into service as a mobile waterboy.      Attachments:  

Portofino Point 1763
Portofino Point 1763

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It was to be another hike. We took the Intrepid into Portofino for our tramp.      Attachments:  

Downtown Boating 1783
Downtown Boating 1783

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Of course the hike was uphill. Steeply uphill      Attachments:  

Going Upstairs 1788
Going Upstairs 1788

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    At least the higher scenery provided a semblance of what might have been seen by SeaRey.      Attachments:  

Fancy Shores 1800
Fancy Shores 1800

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    A lovely hotel offered a brief respite from the hiking. Not enough, though. The owner's wife began to flag behind the rapidly retreating mass of SuRi guests.

It was a dilemma. My job was to keep up with owner. To have water for the guests. To have cash for gelato. To have communication with the boat. I wasn't briefed on what to do with a flagging first lady.

Without guidance I opted to stay with the lonely lady. We wandered slowly back down hill to the port. I don't know if it was the right choice, but it was the last time I was asked to herd guests.

Albergo Splendido 1804
Albergo Splendido 1804

Carr, Frank  - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The lonely lady wasn't Monica, was it?     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    No, it was the lady of the boat (i.e. the owner's wife).     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The following day dawned dramatically with storms.      Attachments:  

Storms at Sea 7209
Storms at Sea 7209

Nickens, Dan - Nov 06,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Having been relieved of waterboy duties all I could do was watch the waves and wait for the storms to subside. At least the sailboats were having fun.      Attachments:  

Watching Genoa 7223
Watching Genoa 7223

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The end of the voyage was rapidly approaching. When panic at it ending set in, the seas looked a lot flatter and the storms calmer.      Attachments:  

Unlikely Launch 1827
Unlikely Launch 1827

Nickens, Dan - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Panic over not flying was overtaken by terror over launching in rough water and thunderstorms. Prudence won out and I went back aboard.      Attachments:  

Not Flying 1828
Not Flying 1828

John Dunlop - Nov 07,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Wonderful, thanks Dan. Love the Med!     
Don Maxwell - Nov 05,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Prudence plays a mean game, but she always wins one way or another. Those are troubled waters. And the sky...     
Steve Kessinger - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Greece or Israel in the plans, Dan?     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Not for SuRi, Steve. She's headed south. To Patagonia.     
Don Maxwell - Nov 19,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Patagonia! ¡Estupendo!     

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