Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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By by coconut grove
Lilly's Fly-in
 Photo Info
Posted By: Don Maxwell
Date Posted: Nov 29, 2016
Description: Thanks for the happy birthday wishes! Here's what I did on that day: https://youtu.be/2PcmQ4x_AFM
Date Taken: 2016-11-25
Place Taken: The James River in central Virginia
Owner: Don Maxwell
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Read what others had to say:

Don Maxwell - Nov 30,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Video:      Attachments:  

BD Video
BD Video

Dennis Scearce - Nov 30,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Looks like about all the excitement an old man can stand. I knew Elvis was alive!     
Nickens, Dan - Nov 30,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    If the video is any indication, it was a most excellent day.     
Carr, Frank  - Dec 01,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Great video Don. I especially liked the well synch'd inside and outside videos on departing your beach, etc. Your editing and
production of videos is going Hollywood style. There was one error in the audio however: you ARE a good Searey pilot! Oh, and
Don Maxwell - Dec 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    It's easy to use clips from multiple cameras, Frank. The hard part is getting the clips! In this case, Carol shot a few stills and several short videos with her iPhone, and I had three video cameras on the airplane, the main one a GoPro on the pylon and connected to the intercom, a Polaroid Cube on the left float, and a Cube+ on my cap. It was going to be just a solo flight for fun; the cameras happened to be in the car, so I took them along but hadn't planned to make a real video out of the clips. But then son Jonathan surprised us all by deciding to go for his first seaplane ride, and that made it more of an occasion. (He'd been declining for 13 years.)

The floatcam ran continuously until its battery pooped out, but the other two only when I remembered to start them. The GoPro battery ran out about 15 minutes into the ""Jon"" half of the flight, so I left the capcam on after that and selected its shots more for steadiness than anything else and used dissolves to counter the jerkiness and time lapses.

Apple's Final Cut made it easy to assemble the clips and to synchronize them. (iMovie does well, too, and is easier to figure out; but Final Cut is more capable.) For example, you can place several clips in parallel on the timeline, synchronize them, and then select which one you want visible at any moment. You can also have two or more clips visible onscreen simultaneously if that serves some useful purpose. (Otherwise, it's like bragging--""Look what I can do!"" Speeding up the playback of long, boring clips is another example of that. I left them in to document for Jon where we went, but they don't contribute otherwise to the video and aesthetically should be cut. A good rule is, If it's noticeable, it probably doesn't belong.)
Carr, Frank  - Dec 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    How many Credits do I receive if I understand 1/3rd of this Prof?

My single GoPro is all I can handle i'm afraid, both in operating and in editing. But it is fun to relive the flight with the video footage.
It also helps the economy by using mega GIGABYTES requiring another hard disk.

After Apple ""Improved"" their iMovie I was unable to relearn how to use it without another Semester. Funny how that works, same for
EXCEL and POWERPOINT and iTUNES. I know they have to make money for stockholders, but why change something that works just
because they can? They should recognize there are people like Dennis and me out here! :-)
Don Maxwell - Dec 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    And me, too, Frank. I dread upgrades. When Apple upgraded Final Cut Pro I couldn't use it for almost a year. Then they upgraded iMovie and I couldn't use it, either, so then I finally got around to learning the new Final Cut--am still working on that. P.I.A.!

I used to use just one camera (GoPro is the latest of several), like you, mostly to review a flight, like a game movie. Then I found a Polaroid Cube on sale at Target for about $38. It's cute and easy to connect to a computer, unlike the recent GoPro upgrades that try to require you to use GoPro's own software for everything. The Cube has a magnetic mount, which is handy. The Cube+ has wi-fi, like GoPro. But the Cubes lack external mic inputs, so they're not as good for in-cockpit video because there's no way to get the radio and intercom audio with them.
Dennis Scearce - Dec 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    I have a headache after reading this. I wish I were as smart as you guys...     
Jim Moline - Dec 03,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Did you wear your birthday suit, Prof?     
Don Maxwell - Dec 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Good one, Jim! But it was in the laundry.     
Paul Sanchez - Dec 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Happy Birthday Don! Thanks for bringing us along     
Dennis Vogan - Dec 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Omg. First ride! What an awesome thing to do on your birthday! That gives me hope that I'll get Tina up there one day.     
Dennis Vogan - Dec 08,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Omg. First ride! What an awesome thing to do on your birthday! That gives me hope that I'll get Tina up there one day.     

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