Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: Bowden's Landing, Fall Flying, Fly-in

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Thomas Bowden - Oct 24,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The Searey Fly-In at Bowden’s Landing is Sunday November 12th. The lake level is high so the
cement ramp is useable this year and the beach is not. Look for the buoys near the flag pole on the
east shore of Island Lake.
Plane parking is along the property line on the right and left first, then in the middle if we get more
than 10 planes. Planes can beach on the shore between the weeds, but probably only 3 will fit.
The Leesburg chapter of the EAA is supplying the food again this year. Hamburgers, Hotdogs, chips
and soda. It’s possible some people will bring covered dishes. The EAA will have white cardboard
donation boxes out for them to defray food cost.
Progressive Aerodyne will be there in force with Kerry and the new CEO, Geoffrey Nicholson and
others. They will bring some door prizes including one of the desktop Searey models to give way.
This year we are trying something different with door prizes. In past years I spent $150. for door
prizes and about $300. in food and did not charge for the door prize tickets. I usually broke even in
donations and 50/50.
Since the EAA is doing the food and has their own donation box, and I don’t want to put out a
separate donation box to compete with them. I won’t be buying door prizes. Instead I want to do
something that the EAA chapter does at their Christmas Party. Each guest is asked to bring a $5 to
$10. gift and they get a Red Ticket. We then draw tickets just like we do for door prizes and you
come and pick a gift. People who bring a gift get a gift. Unwrapped Please.
The Searey pilots and passengers get a Blue Ticket weather they bring a gift or not. The blue tickets
are for the door prizes brought by Progressive including the desktop Searey model. If you bring a gift
then you’ll get a red ticket also.
I will be selling 50/50 tickets as my only means of donations for my costs.
The last 3 years had light attendance of Seareys. I hope weather is good and Searey attendance
good this year. I would like to continue this event as long as interest in it by the Searey community

Please RSVP to tab380@aol.com

Info at www.Bowdens-Landing.com


Searey fly-in 3-3
Searey fly-in 3-3

Wayne Nagy - Nov 01,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    I am glad I searched for this. I already made plans to be there this coming weekend! I was even going to pick up my
daughter in Leesburg.

Is SPA Lake Jackson this weekend??
Russ Garner - Nov 10,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    What's the weather Sunday. Aviation Weather report for this weekend.
Scattered showers are possible along the East Coast of Florida with moist easterly flow behind the cold front.
Given the lack of instability and deep moisture, little in the way of thunderstorm activity is expected nationwide.
Looks like it will be good to fly, maybe.
Bill Brown - Nov 12,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    My wife and I had a great time at the splash-in at Tom Bowden's today. Tom, his wife, and the whole team did a great job and it
turned out to be a pretty good weather day after all. Maybe threatening weather lowered the expected turnout but all there seemed
to have a great time. Kerry wowed us all with his flying again and I really enjoyed meeting some of the people that I've been reading
about on this site. I was really impressed with Tom's SeaRey. After seeing and reading his build videos I felt like I had been in his
garage before. All in all a good day especially after winning the SeaRey model provided by Progressive Aerodyne. It wouldn't fit in
my SeaRey though and thanks to Geoffrey for holding it for me until I can pick it up a SeaRey Central. I hope someone will post
some pictures since I don't know how to do that yet.
Don Maxwell - Nov 13,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Bill, you can add photos (and videos and links) to your own News posts or replies by using the Adv. Edit link. Also, it's easy to post them in the Photos tab/topic.     
Bill Brown - Nov 16,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Thanks Don. I've enjoyed all of your videos. All well done.     
Thomas Bowden - Nov 14,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Here is some pics      Attachments:  








Russ Garner - Nov 13,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Couldn't fly because of weather over us all day Thomas, hope you had good turnout from the ones
that could get there.

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