Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: N21GE, Poker_Run, Poker_Runs, SEA_REYS_IN_MIAMI_AND_SOUTH_FLORIDA

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Luis Sotero - Jul 08,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    You Tube speaks for itself  >------------->---------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


N21GE arriving Bimini Harbor
N21GE arriving Bimini Harbor

Wayne Nagy - Jul 08,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    The water was spectacular , Luis!     
Luis Sotero - Jul 08,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes it was. But in the Bahamas it's always beautiful...     
Philip Mendelson - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
Nickens, Dan - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Another excellent outing, Luis. So, would you rather fly to the Keys or the Bahamas?     
Luis Sotero - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
That's hard to say because they both although different have
their even sets of pros and cons...
The Bahamas are unequivocally breathtaking beautiful and
mysterious in their own ways. Every trip is an adventure and
there is endless possibilities of exploration with that said it
takes a whole lot of planning and a few backup plans when you
go and explore the Bahamas.
In a simple hop across the pond will cost you no less than
$150.00 without Fuel and bringing along a picnic basket.
I believe all the islands of the Bahamas are worth their weight
in gold.
That's the upside and a downside of the Bahamas.
The keys I love in every aspect.
I've been going AND even lived in the keys my whole life from
the upper keys to the Lower Keys just about every hole in the
wall bar Beach or any place worth going to I've been to or know
For me I can just jump in the plane and go. I have never gotten
bored of it... But I feel times as if I hit a plateau.
D'Angelo, Kevin - Jul 20,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Nice video Louis the thing I like the most about the Bahamas compared to the keys are the beaches . especially the idyllic coves and
islands,all with beaches which are hard to find in the keys. I was amazed in your video how busy Bimini has become
Dennis Scearce - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    My constipated computer won't even play the UTube without freezing up. But we're building a new one with a mega video card this afternoon. Can't wait to edit and watch videos like everyone else.     
Mark MacKinnon - Jul 11,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Maybe you need to change the oil in it, Dennis.     
Dave Lima - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Kool Video Luis..keep em coming!     
Wayne Nagy - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    How did you handle customs, Luis? How long were you there? Did you leave the plane parked on the beach or at the airport?
Great trip!!
Luis Sotero - Jul 09,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    On this particular day I landed in the harbor all you have to do
is call Customs they'll meet you wherever Customs is really
easy and immigrations even easier. I only went for the date for
lunch. When I spend overnight I usually leave the plane in the
airport which is on the south side of Emily or whatever other
island of the Bahamas I go to a few times I've left the plane
floating behind the boat when when needed...
Steve Kessinger - Jul 10,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    It's 68F and overcast in La Conner today, Luis, and I've got 1/2 acre of weeds I've gotta turn into a garden before I can get back to building. Keep the motivation coming.     
Don Maxwell - Jul 10,2017   Viewers  | Reply
    Luis, your photo reminds me strongly of the first picture of a Searey I ever saw--on the cover of a Kitplanes magazine, sometime around 1996 or 98. This may be that photo; I found it on the PA website, probably even before buying my kit.      Attachments:  



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