Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Randy Flood - Sep 12,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    My brother and I flew my Searey (207RF) to the fly in this past weekend. We landed at the airport as the Sea Plane Base was WAY to crowded and to many "Non Pilots" fingers are all over all the planes. Here is a first attempt at using I Movie to edit my GoPro vids.      Attachments:  

International Seaplane Fly in.
International Seaplane Fly in.

Don Maxwell - Sep 12,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Well done, Randy! And that wing-mounted cam is in a good location.

(Not sure if iMovie has a way of smoothing out vibrations, but it might. Apple's FinalCut does it nicely--but it's not cheap and your vibrations are minor ones.)
Mark MacKinnon - Sep 12,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Great vid, Randy!     
Dave Edward - Sep 18,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Here are some nice pics. The Beaver belongs to a friend of mine.

Paul Sanchez - Sep 18,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Great pics! For seaplaners it looks to be on par with Oshkosh. Gotta love that Albatross!     
Don Maxwell - Sep 18,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Very nice looking Beaver, Dave. And that Albatross is some airplane! I keep wondering if my Searey would fly with a canoe lashed to the struts.     
Carr, Frank  - Sep 24,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Great video Randy, enjoyed especially the full screen views. I'm curious why you used iMovie? Do you use GoPro Studio and dislike
Don Maxwell - Sep 25,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Arrr. Frank, I tried GoPro Studio and hated it. Or more accurately, it seemed too hard to figure out, so I gave up on it and have been using Apple's iMovie and Final Cut, both of which I already was familiar with.

On the other hand, the new GoPro.app is useful for getting videos from the camera to the computer. It also has a workable routine for squaring up the curved lines in still shots.

What I can't forgive the GoPro folks for is making it impossible to access the files with Finder (and probably with the file thingie in Windows). Now you have no alternative than to download an entire file; before, you could view and trim sections from large videos with finder and Quicktime. They didn't have to do that, it was a deliberate choice they made to lock users into using their software. Pbbbbbbt!
Carr, Frank  - Sep 26,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Ahhhh Professor, I worked hard to learn Apple's "Movie", then the kids "upgraded it" to iMovie and I was lost. Not the first time Apple
has done that: ex: Excel, iTunes. errgggg!!! As for GoPro Studio i think I mentioned here it was easier to learn to fly than to learn
it. But I stuck with it and now am proficient with about 20% which is good enough to post .imovs to my TV or YouTube videos with
audio or sound.

I've contact GoPro Customer Support twice, and both times they were responsive and helpful. Try that with iMovie.

And to Randy and his post below, look into GoPro Studio but be prepared for a learning curve. And I also enjoy editing a lot, but not
as much as flying. But it's fun.

Interesting that we have differing opinions and can joke and advise each other, sort of makes the world interesting and fun, too bad
that doesn't apply to pxxxxxx (I didn't say the word Admins).
Eric Batterman - Sep 25,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Don, An SD card reader allows you directly access gopro files.     
Don Maxwell - Sep 26,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Yes, but it's annoying to have to take the camera out of the case, pop out the card, find the micro SD card adapter, insert the card into is, and stick it into the computer; and then reverse that process when you're done.

All that used to be unnecessary until they updated the firmware last year just to introduce this PIA.

So it's still Pbbbbbbt!
Carr, Frank  - Sep 26,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    It is however Don, a reliable if not cumbersome backup process that works.     
Randy Flood - Sep 25,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Never tried it......or thought of it!!! Have to say I do not like Imovie.....I had been using MS Movie Maker and loved it. But changed to
a MAC.....I will look into GoPro Studio. Thanks for the tip. I enjoy editing the vids as much as the actual flying!!! (yes I am a geek!!)

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