Splash and Dash Searey Seaplane Delights
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Category: Fly-in, Greenville_Seaplane_Fly-In

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Mark MacKinnon - Aug 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    The 43rd annual Greenville Seaplane Fly-In, on Moosehead Lake, Maine, is September 8th to the 11th this year. I know that many folks are too Oshkosh'd and Gaggled-out by the time this comes around, and for most it's just too far, but we have a growing Northeast Searey population now, and I am hoping for a Searey gathering this year. Like past years, I'll have my plane up at the Greenville airport (3B1), probably Friday and Saturday. Maybe we can find a spot for a small Searey gaggle. There is shuttle service between the airport and the seaplane ramp where the action is. (The ramp area has become crowded over the years and I now prefer the airport, where most planes not involved in the contests go). If you're interested in any of the contests (spot landings, takeoff contest, target bombing), land on the water, come up the ramp, park and register. Loads of fun, always draws a huge crowd every year.      Attachments:  

Greenville Seaplane Fly-in
Greenville Seaplane Fly-in

Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 013
Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 013

Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 015
Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 015


Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 016
Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 016

Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 006
Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 006

Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 010
Greenville SP Fly-in ''09 010

Ken Leonard - Aug 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Mark - what is the leopard painted single engine flying boat? I have seen it before but can't remember.
That might be a fun retirement plane for a craftsman to build. Sikorsky something...
Randy Williams - Aug 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    That single engine looks like it is the Sikorsky S-39. S-38 is a twin engine Sikorsky and a beautiful plane.      Attachments:  

Sikorski s-38
Sikorski s-38

Ken Leonard - Aug 04,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Yeah Randy, I found it. Apparently 40,000 hours and 20 years of restoration went into the giraffe S-39. Will have to keep flying Ol-
reliable searey...
Eric Batterman - Aug 05,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Kermit Weeks bought it from Dick Jackson (who restored it). You can see it at Fantasy of Flight. Dick was asking $1.2M for it, but I'm pretty sure Kermit got it for less.     
Mark MacKinnon - Sep 11,2016   Viewers  | Reply
    Yesterday was fine for flying up to the fly-in. I happened to land right behind Randy Flood and his brother, who took off from Belfast (ME). I think this the first pic of my Stingray next to a Searey. They took a shuttle to the seaplane ramp before I thought of taking pics, but I figured I could catch them later before they left. But I didn't get a chance to.

For "the rest of the story", see my post on STS.

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